Pathobiology of the Aging Rat: Volumes 1 and 2

By Mohr, Ulrich; Dungworth, D.L. & Capen, C.C.

Pathobiology of the Aging Rat Vol 1 and 2 6798

These two Volumes provide information on the pathological changes that occur with age in commonly used strains of laboratory rats, a subject of increasing importance to animal pathologists in regulatory, industrial, and academic laboratories. Recognized authorities review the literature on the aging process in laboratory rats. Taking an organ-system approach, the work covers development, growth, aging, nonneoplastic and neoplastic age-associated lesions, and changes in susceptibility to toxins during aging. The material presented provides important baseline information for scientists involved in long-term toxicity and carcinogenesis testing, and will be useful to pathologists, toxicologists, and gerontologists. Volume 1 covers: Blood and Lymphoid System; Respiratory System; Urinary System; Cardiovascular System; Reproductive System. Volume 2 covers: Nervous System and Special Sense Organs; Endocrine System; Digestive Systems; Integumentary System and Mammary Gland; Musculoskeletal System and Soft Tissue; General Aspects.

Hardcover. Volume 1: 485 pages, 286 figures. Volume 2: 647 pages, 343 figures. Part of a Series on Aging Laboratory Animals. Please see record numbers 6797 and 6988 for the other two Volumes in this Series.

ISBN: Volume 1: 978-0-9443-9809-8; Volume 2: 978-0-9443-9820-3

These books may be difficult to obtain.

Year: 1994
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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