Progress in the Reduction, Refinement and Replacement of Animal Experimentation
By Balls, M; van Zeller, A.-M. & Halder, M.
Record number: | 49669 (legacy id: 6884) |

Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Bologna, Italy, 29 August-2 September 1999. This book is part of the series "Developments in Animal and Veterinary Sciences", Volume 31.
Contents: Congress Chairmen's Preface; List of Congress Sponsors; Editors' Preface; Special Contributions; Plenary Lectures; Carcinogenicity Testing; Metabolism-mediated Effects; Genomics, Proteomics and Gene Regulation; Embryonic Stem Cells; The Use of Reconstituted Tissues and Co-Cultures; Barrier Systems In Vitro; The Biocompatibility of Materials; Validation of Alternative Methods; The Regulatory Acceptance of Alternative Methods; Predicting Toxicity from Structure; Integrated Testing and Predicting Human Hazard; Case Studies - Eye and Skin Irritation; Case Studies - Skin Sensitisation; Haematotoxicology In Vitro; Experimental Design and Reduction; Data Analysis and Reduction; Reduction and Regulatory Testing; Aspects of Cost-benefit Analysis; Antibody Production; Humane Endpoints; Eliminating Vaccine Testing in Animals; Validation and Acceptance of New Methods for Biologicals; Adverse Effects: Regulation and Classification; Adverse Effects: Recognition and Assessment; Adverse Effects: Alleviation and Avoidance; Refinement in Experimental Design and Technique; Refinement in Behavioural Research; Refinement in Housing and Husbandry - Rodents and Rabbits; Refinement in Housing and Husbandry - Non Rodents; The Use of Animals in Education and Training; Outreach toScientists on the Three Rs; Outreach to the General Public on the Three Rs and Demonstration of Training Programmes; Ethical Aspects of Transgenesis; The Role of Ethical Committees; Animal Models; Point/Counterpoint Debates; The Zero Option should be Adopted for Non-human Primates; Routine Testing for Endocrine Disrupters will Merely Provide Data which Cannot be Interpreted; Workshops; Closing Plenary Lectures.
First Edition. 1858 pages. Hardbound. 2 volume set. Published by Elsevier. See also the Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1996. A review of this book is available in Alternatives To Laboratory Animals (ATLA), Volume 29, Number 1, January/February 2001, page 74-75. Another review of this book is available in Laboratory Animals, October 2001, Volume 35 (4), page 390. Available from Amazon.
ISBN-10 : 0444505296
ISBN-13 : 978-0444505293
Year: 2000
Product reviews: Alternatives To Laboratory Animals (ATLA), Volume 29, Number 1, January/February 2001, page 74-75
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