The Laboratory Zebrafish, 2nd Edition
By Wilson, Carole & Chu, David
Record number: | 92ab8 |

The Laboratory Zebrafish covers all aspects related to the use of zebrafish, including their basic biology, humane care and management, husbandry, life support systems, regulatory compliance, technical procedures, veterinary care and water quality management. The zebrafish is now a common model animal employed by researchers to study everything from stem cells to the basis of behavioral changes induced by drug addiction. However, there are few accepted and established standards for breeding, management and care of fish in laboratory environments and even fewer comprehensive and consistently reliable resources. To this end, the goal of this handbook is to provide managers, veterinarians, investigators, technicians, and regulatory personnel with a concise yet thorough reference on zebrafish biology, care, husbandry, and management. The new edition includes more figures, tables and bullet points, a wealth of new full-colour images, major updates on health and welfare (including colony health surveillance and viruses), and a complete overhaul of the compliance section to address more international concerns.
2nd edition. 400 pages. eBook. Get access to each chapter separately. Imprint of CRC Press.
ISBN: 9781003110897
See also Zebrafish: A Practical Guide to Husbandry, Welfare and Research Methodology.
Year: 2024
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