The Slaughter of Farmed Animals
By Temple Grandin and Michael Cockram
Record number: | 36120 |

This book provides both evidence-based scientific studies and practical guidance to enhance the welfare of cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry at slaughter. Temple Grandin and Michael Cockram have brought together a range of international experts to prepare chapters on philosophical and ethical views on the slaughter of farmed animals. These include welfare issues and their assessment, the condition of animals on arrival and their management during lairage, animal handling, methods of humane slaughter and assessment of unconsciousness. The book boldly tackles controversial issues around the compromises necessary when balancing animal welfare concerns with commercial realities, as well as religious slaughter. Chapters cover methods of stunning, pre-slaughter handling, equipment design, monitoring welfare with abattoir data and auditing methods.
More information about the book can be accessed here.
Paperback, 348 pages
ISBN: 9781789240573
Price: £49.99, 60 euros, $70.00
Year: 2020
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