The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals
By Hubrecht, Robert and Kirkwood, James
Record number: | 37541 (legacy id: 8295) |

This book focuses on best practice principles in the field of animal welfare science, providing comprehensive coverage, with all chapters being peer reviewed by anonymous referees. Also, this book provides information on worldwide developments and current thinking. As well as addressing the husbandry of laboratory animals, the content is also of great value to zoos and aquaria. Table of Contents: Contributors; Foreword; 1 Introduction; Part 1 Implementing the Three Rs in research using animals: 2 The Three Rs; 3 The design of animal experiments; 4 Introduction to laboratory animal genetics; 5 Phenotyping of genetically modified mice; 6 Brief introduction to welfare assessment: a "toolbox" of techniques; 7 Welfare and "best practice" in field studies of wildlife; 8 Legislation and oversight of the conduct of research using animals: a global overview; 9 Planning, design and construction of efficient animal facilities; 10 Enrichment: animal welfare and experimental outcomes; 11 Special housing arrangements; 12 Refinements in in-house animal production and breeding; 13 Transportation of laboratory animals; 14 Nutrition, feeding and animal welfare; 15 Attaining competence in the care of animals used in research; 16 Positive reinforcement training for laboratory animals; 17 Euthanasia and other fates for laboratory animals; Part 2 Species kept in the laboratory Mammals: 18 Wild mammals; 19 The laboratory opossum; 20 Tree shrews; Rodentia and Lagomorpha: 21 The laboratory mouse; 22 The laboratory rat; 23 The laboratory gerbil; 24 The Syrian hamster; 25 The husbandry and welfare of non-traditional laboratory rodents; 26 Voles; 27 The guinea pig; 28 The laboratory rabbit; Carnivora: 29 The ferret; 30 The laboratory dog; 31 The domestic cat; Ungulates: 32 Pigs and minipigs; 33 Cattle; 34 Sheep and goats; 35 The horse; Non-Human Primates: 36 Marmosets and tamarins; 37 Squirrel monkeys; 38 Capuchin monkeys; 39 Old World monkeys; 40 Chimpanzees; Birds: 41 The domestic fowl; 42 The Japanese quail; 43 The zebra finch; 44 Pigeons and doves; 45 The European starling; Reptiles and Amphibia: 46 Terrestrial reptiles: lizards, snakes and tortoises; 47 Aquatic reptiles; 48 Amphibians, with special reference to Xenopus; Fish: 49 Fish; Cephalopoda: 50 Cephalopoda; Index.
8th Edition. 848 pages. Available as a Hardcover and as an eBook.
NB. A new edition of this Handbook was published in the Spring of 2024.
Written for an international audience and contains contributions from experts from around the world. An UFAW/Wiley-Blackwell Publication. Also part of the UFAW Animal Welfare Publications. See also record number 6854.
ISBN: Hardcover: 978-1-4051-7523-4; eBook: 978-1-4443-1878-4
Price: Hardcover: £276.75; eBook: £249.99
Year: 2010
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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