Position Statements about animal experimentation

Norecopa produces position statements on topics related to the use of animals in research and the 3Rs. Many more guidance documents are available in Norecopa's 3R Guide.

Food deprivation in rodents
Norecopa has written an 11-page position statement on food deprivation in rodents. The summary (recommendations) can be read hereThe full document is available here.

Toe clipping in mice

The Norwegian Animal Research Authority asked Norecopa to evaluate toe clipping as a means of identification and tissue sampling in mice. The Board produced an 18-page document, which has been circulated to all members. A translation of the final version can be downloaded here. The document includes an evaluation of alternative methods for the identification and genotyping of rodents, with a literature references. The Board wrote a supplementary statement in March 2010 following three new published studies, which was circulated to its members.

Pain relief in rodents
In collaboration with colleagues in the laboratory animal environment, Norecopa has produced a document on pain relief in rodents.

Student essays
Norecopa has edited essays in connection with a course in laboratory animal science for researchers. These essays have not been quality-controlled, nor is the content necessarily endorsed by Norecopa. Updated versions of the essays will be published here, if we receive feedback from readers.
The contents of these essays may be used freely, but it must not be presented as representing the views of Norecopa or its secretary. Furthermore, the factual content (including literature references) should be checked before use:

Would you like Norecopa to write a statement about a topic related to your research? 

Please contact the secretary! 

Norecopa also produces political statements and writes newspaper articles about animal research and the 3Rs. These can be read here.

The Norwegian Animal Research Authority, which was disbanded when new legislation was passed in 2015, published a number of policy statements. More information about these is available here.

This page was updated on 11 June 2024

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