Norecopa's Activity Plan

Norecopa was founded on 10 October 2007. This page describes some of the activity after that date (see the Annual Reports for full details).
A temporary national platform, financed by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) in 2005-2006, was run by the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NVH).

Norecopa: the first 10 years

Norecopa produces Activity Plans, which are updated when necessary and approved at each Annual General Meeting and described in the Annual Reports. The Reports are published in both English and Norwegian, while the Activity Plans are currently only available in Norwegian:

2008-11  |  2009-12  |  2010-13  |  2011-14  |  2012-15 |  2013-16  |  2014-17  |  2015-18  |  2016-20  |  2021-25  |

What have we done since the last Annual Meeting?

Norecopa's activity is described in its newsletters, which have been written in English since no. 3-2017, and which are issued electronically 7-8 times a year.

Norecopa's approved accounts

Presentations in Norwegian from the Meetings in 20092010201120122013 and 2014.

An overview of Norecopa's activity in 2013 (in Norwegian).
What does Norecopa do? (an overview in Norwegian of the period 2007-2009).

Overview of selected external meetings which Norecopa has attended (these and other meetings are described in more detail in Norecopa's Annual Reports)


  • Annual General Meeting of ecopa, Prague, 26 August
  • RSPCA/AHVLA meeting: Welfare of agricultural animals in research, New Haw, 18 September
  • Workshop on Requirements and implementation of the legislation on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, Zagreb, 17-18 November


  • Fish Health Seminar, Adamstua, 30 January
  • Second UK-China Seminar on Research Animal Welfare and Ethics, Beijing, 17-19 March
  • Meeting of European 3Rs Centres, Ispra, 21-22 April
  • Debattseminar om Alternativer til dyreforsøk, HiOA, 24 April
  • RSPCA/AHLA Meeting: Welfare of wild animals used in regulated procedures, New Haw, 8 September
  • Challenges and Trends for Laboratory Animal Care and Research: The AAALAC International, ESLAV and ECLAM Conference, Hannover, 12-13 September
  • 19th European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing and 16th Annual Congress of EUSAAT, Lin
  • ecopas General Assembly, Linz, 22 Septembe
  • Informal Workshop of technical representatives of National Committees for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes, Brussel, 8 Octobe
  • Cephalopod Biology and Care Training School, Vico Equense, 26-30 October
  • Kick-off meeting of the Chairs of the National Committees, Brussel, 4 December



  • 1st Nordic Zebrafish and Medaka Care Workshop, Oslo, 7 February
  • Laboratory Animal Sciences, virtual event,7-8 February Scand-LAS symposium, Kristiansand, 26-28 April
  • Annual CCAC seminar, Quebec, 5 May (recorded)
  • Annual meeting of the Irish branch of the Institute of Animal Technology, Dublin, 23 May
  • Annual meeting of the Danish animal welfare bodies, Copenhagen, 7 June
  • ESLAV Summer School, Stockholm, 25 June
  • KALAS International Symposium, Busan, South Korea, 18-21 July
  • Seminar of the Research Ethics Committee at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Oslo, 14 September
  • 21st European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing (the EUSAAT congress), Linz, 23-26 September
  • Seminar arranged by the National Committee for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes, Dublin, 4 October (recorded presentation)
  • ESLAV-ECLAM-AAALAC-SECAL conference, Barcelona, 15-16 October
  • Annual meeting of Sweden’s animal welfare units, Stockholm, 15 November
  • Meeting at the Institute of Life Science, Helsinki, 19 November
  • Swedish Research Council’s annual seminar, Stockholm, 7 December



  • Meeting of European 3R Centres, Berlin, 14-15 March
  • Seminar, University of Gothenburg, 26 March
  • Meeting for Universities in South West England, Bristol, 4 April
  • Annual meeting of the International Society for Transgenic Technology, Kobe, Japan, 7-10 April
  • Memorial Day and Symposium, Seoul, 13-15 May
  • Annual Symposium of the Belgian Council for Laboratory Animal Science (BCLAS), Blankenberge, Belgium, 20-21 May 2019
  • ESLAV/ECLAM Summer School, Stockholm, June
  • FELASA congress, Prague, 10-13 June
  • Baltic Summer School for behavioural neuroscientists, Tallinn, 30 August
  • Seminar on severity and humane endpoints in fish research, Bergen, 4 October
  • 22nd European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing (the EUSAAT congress), Linz, 10-13 October
  • Seminar, University Hospital in Leuven, Belgium, 17 October
  • 3R Symposium and workshop, Luxembourg, 7-8 November
  • Danish 3R-Center’s annual 3R Symposium, Copenhagen, 12-13 November
  • Animal Science Meeting (Home Office and Royal Society of Biology), London, 6 December


2020 ( all virtual meetings except *)
  • ISAE Nordic-Baltic Winter Meeting, Tartu 28-30 January*
  • REWARD/EQUATOR conference, Berlin 20-22 February*
  • SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, 2 May
  • Laboratory Sciences Virtual Event (Lab Roots), 14 May
  • 7th Annual 3Rs Symposium, arranged by CAAT, Baltimore, 4-5 June 2020
  • UFAW's symposium Recent advances in animal welfare science VII, 30 June - 1 July
  • Reproducibility, Replicability and Trust. Wellcome conference, 11 September
  • UFAW/RSPCA Rodent Meeting, 7 October
  • The unConference 2020, University of Copenhagen, 30 October
  • EPAA Annual Conference, 10 November.

(all virtual meetings except *)
  • EU Scientific Conference, 2-3 February
  • IAT Conference, 25 March
  • Newcastle Biosciences Meeting, 19 May
  • Fincopa Annual Meeting, 20 May
  • CALAS Symposium, 7 June
  • World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, 23 August - 2 September
  • UFAW Symposium on Recent Advances in Animal Welfare Science, 29-30 June
  • 54th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) 2-6 August
  • 18th ESBRA Congress, Timisoara, 9 October
  • Scand-LAS Symposium, Tallinn, 2-4 November*
  • Annual symposium of the Danish 3R centre, 16-17 November*
  • Annual meeting of the Indian Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (SAAE-I), 11 December

(all virtual meetings except *)
  • Can we improve both our scientific output and animal welfare? Experiences with planning animal studies, Max Planck Institute, Freiburg, 19 January
  • The PREPARE guidelines: for better science, improved animal welfare and health & safety, FRAME Training School, 28 January
  • PREPARE and ARRIVE: Planning and reporting animal studies, the Karolinska Institute, 31 January
  • How can NORECOPA help researchers PREPARE for better science? Webinar in a series on Improving nonclinical research practices: way forward, CroLASA in collaboration with SLAS, 16 February
  • PREPARE for fish research, Focus on Fish seminar at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 23 February*
  • Webinar on a method of immobilisation of rodents (3-finger scruff technique) for international laboratory animal personnel in connection with the LAREF Forum, 2 March
  • The PREPARE and ARRIVE guidelines: How can we improve both our scientific output and animal welfare? the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 31 March
  • Large Animal Resources, 7th Meeting of the Large Animal Research Network (LARN), 5 April 2022
  • The pathway to better research: PREPARE to ARRIVE, Gothenburg University, 6 April*
  • Three Rs and Three Ss for improving both our science and welfare: The pathway to better research, Mainz University, 24 April
  • The PREPARE guidelines: for better science, improved animal welfare and health & safety, FRAME Training School, 28 April
  • Animal experiments and alternatives, lecture to the Risør Rotary Club, 2 May*
  • Norecopa: Norway’s Platform for the Three Rs: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement and a source of global 3R resources, Symposium on systematic reviews, US Medical Library Association, 24 May
  • Greeting to Finland’s 3R centreFIN3R at its inauguration, 3 June
  • The pathway to better aquaculture research at Aqua3R: National Workshop on 3Rs in Aquaculture Research, Ås, 9 June*
  • Experiences with planning animal studies: how to improve scientific output and animal welfare, virtual workshop on the ethics of wildlife research, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, 21 June
  • The pathway to better research: PREPARE to ARRIVE, in-house webinar for an international pharmaceutical company, 23 June
  • Focus on experimental animals, presentation to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s hearing on the announced animal welfare communication, 27 June*
  • Use of laboratory animals in Norway: are there alternatives Arendalsuka, 18 August*
  • Use of PREPARE to identify refinements of severe models and procedures, RSPCA/Karolinska meeting, Focus on Severe Suffering, Stockholm, 24-25 August*
  • Let’s PREPARE together to ARRIVE in better shape: how to plan animal experiments, poster at the Europhysiology Congress, Copenhagen, 16 September*
  • The pathway to better animal research, Applying Ethology (Animal Welfare Slack Workspace), 19 September
  • Improving of animal research: a team effort, ANZLAA Congress, 21 September
  • Experimental animals: the hidden cost, seminar on fish research, Litteraturhuset Oslo, 23 September*
  • An overview of guidelines for better preclinical research, EUSAAT Congress, Linz, 26 September*
  • How to improve scientific quality and animal welfare when planning animal studies, Congress on 3R Advances, India, 18 November
  • What do you want from Norecopa? Meeting for animal welfare committees, 22 November*
  • Norecopa: Norway’s national consensus platform for replacement, reduction and refinement of animal testing, DNV meeting about the proposed Governmental animal welfare report (Stortingsmeldingen), Oslo, 23 November*
  • PREPARE for Better Science, keynote presentation at the ACURET symposium, Nigeria, 1 December
  • Annual meeting of ecopa with a presentation of Norecopa’s work during the past year, 8 December
  • Norecopa: global 3R resources, Swiss 3R technological and Science meeting, 12 December
2023  ( all virtual meetings except *)
  • PREPARE and ARRIVE: How can we improve both our scientific output and animal welfare? Invitert foredrag, Karolinska Institutet, 27 January
  • Practical online demonstration of Norecopa's refined scruffing technique for rodents, for teknikere på et europeisk universitet, 2 February
  • PREPARE guidelines: How to Plan Experiments from Day One. Invitert foredrag ved FGB-konferansen The multifaced universe of alternative methods in the day-to-day experimental work, 1 March
  • The PREPARE guidelines: for better science. Invitert foredrag ved FRAME Training School, Bergen, 29 March*
  • Norway's National Consensus Platform for the Three Rs: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement and a source of global 3R resources. Invitert foredrag ved Scand-LAS symposium, Uppsala, 25 April*
  • Models and simulators that can replace use of live animals in education. Invitert foredrag ved Scand-LAS symposium, Uppsala, 26 April*
  • PREPARE for Better Science: Guidelines for animal Research and Testing. Invitert foredrag lecture for DR.MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, 3 May
  • The PREPARE and ARRIVE guidelines: PREPARE for Better Science. Invitert foredrag ved Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 11 May
  • Norecopa og arbeidet med å redusere Norges forbruk av forsøksdyr. Invitert foredrag for Radiumhospitalet, 9 June
  • PREPARE for Better Science: Guidelines for animal research and teaching. Invitert forefrag ved 3rd joint SLAS-CroLASA meeting, Ljubljana, 15 June*
  • Norecopa and the 3Rs. Invitert foredrag for Medical Research Council, UK, 20 July
  • Norecopa: A one-stop-shop for global 3R resources. World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Niagara Falls, 28 August*
  • The Path to Better Science: 3Rs and more. World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Niagara Falls, 29 August*
  • Reduction og replacement: Hva skjer innen alternativer til dyreforsøk?  Invitert foredrag for Universitet i Oslo, 18 October*
  • What can we do to advance the 3Rs in preclinical studies?  Invitert foredrag ved 6th International Preclinical Imaging Symposium, Tehran, 8 November
  • PREPARE for Better Science: The PREPARE and ARRIVE guidelines. Invitert foredrag vedKarolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 16 November*
  • PREPARE for Better Science: the PREPARE and ARRIVE guidelines, Nordic Zebrafish Network inaugural meeting, Stockholm, 17 November*
  • How to use the 3Rs to plan for better Science. Invitert foredrag ved 6th International Conference of SAAE-India, 20 November
  • Improving Our Scientific Output and Animal Welfare? the PREPARE Guidelines for Planning Animal Studies. Invitert foredrag på University of Nottingham/FRAME Course for Early Career Researchers, 28 November


This page was updated on 11 June 2024

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