Information on animal research for schoolchildren

New: resources that can be used for home learning in the life sciences and medicine

Are you going to write a report on the use of laboratory animals?  Maybe this page will be of use to you.

How medicines are made (Foundation for Biomedical Research film, 4 minutes)

Refining Research to Improve the Lives of Laboratory Mice by Paulin Jirkof, and Replacing Animal Testing: How and When? by Thomas Hartung, both published in Frontiers for Young Minds.

Why do 90% of drugs fail? (Chris Magee, Understanding Animal Research)

Introducing the 3Rs to young minds (YouTube)

Introducing the Three Rs into secondary schools, universities and continuing education programmes (EU report, 2021) 

Resourcesteacher material and topics for students writing essays on animal research from Understanding Animal Research.

Modern laboratory animal science is based on a principle known as the 3Rs. You can read more about them here.

Three Rs Pilot - Can We Do Research Without Animals? (EU project with 6 learning scenarios for secondary schools within the Scientix programme)

The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science (EU project for secondary schools within the Scientix programme)

Forskning, djurförsök och 3R - Swedish-language from Gratis Skolan in collaboration with the Swedish 3Rs center.

Get Real! Resources including podcasts about animal research and alternatives

Infographics about the 3Rs and animal experiments (in Swedish)

The Spanish Laboratory Animal Science Association, SECAL, has produced a two-volume set, in Spanish, entitled Mi experiencia con la ciencia – Experimentación animal para niños (My Experience with Science: Animal Research for children).

In a series called Frontiers for Young Minds, Rachel Tanner has written a piece called The 3Rs: What are Medical Scientists Doing about Animal Testing?

The Danish 3R-Centre has produced material (in Danish) for both elementary/lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools.

Timeline video: How animal studies led to lifesaving vaccines throughout history

The 3Rs: What are Medical Scientists doing about Animal Testing?

Is animal testing always wrong? A lesson starter for schools, written by the RSPCA, UK.

Why do researchers work with mice?

Background briefings, photos and videos of animal research

Medical Advances and Animal Research. The contribution of animal science to the medical revolution: some case histories

Frequently asked questions about animal research from Speaking of Research and from Pro-Test.

Articles about research animals in the library of the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees offers information about the use of animals in research and testing.

The international organisation Speaking of Research, the US organisations Foundation for Biomedical Research and Americans for Medical Progress, the British organisation Understanding Animal Research (UAR) and the The European Animal Research Association have collections of frequently asked questions about animal experimentation.

Scientific American published several papers that present the arguments for and against animal research in February 1997. These were followed by an article written by one of the parties. Several articles have also been published in the New Scientist.

Website on Animal Experiments from the BBC television website.

A timeline of animal testing

The Danish philosopher Peter Sandøe has written many articles on animal ethics.

A collection of literature references on ethics, including the use of genetically modified (transgenic) animals in research.

The views of the major world religions on the subject of animal experimentation.

The Wellcome Trust in London has produced a number of resources for use in education.

Here is a report (in Norwegian) from a pupil who visited us.

The book Science, Medicine and Animals discusses how animals are used in biomedical research.

The organisation Seriously Ill for Medical Research has an article about animal testing

Free STEM Resources Provided by Public US Libraries

This page was updated on 19 February 2025

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