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Resources produced by the International Culture of Care Network:
- Emotional labour: support for animal technologists (Penny Hawkins, 2024)
- Culture of Care (Penny Hawkins, 2024), a presentation covering:
- Reflections on the full meaning of Culture of Care
- How to actively develop and promote this
- Focus on caring for staff
- Identifying actions
- The Concept of Culture of Care: Internal Program Communication (Bertelsen, Sørensen, Paradell & Van Loo, 2024)
- Improving Culture of Care through maximising learning from observations and events: Addressing what is at fault (Robinson et al., 2022)
- The Culture of Care - a working concept. A one-page summary of the concept and essential factors, by Penny Hawkins and Maggy Jennings, endorsed by the Network.
- Communication and a Culture of Care: A two-page published by the Network in October 2018, based upon the results of a survey of communication between scientists and animal technologists and care staff. The document gives examples of such activities. It is designed to be inspirational rather than prescriptive.
Other publications by Network members:
- Creating an effective, inclusive and open Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body: learning and legacy (Crudgington et al., 2024)
- Achieving a good Culture of Care (Barney Reed, RSPCA UK, 2024)
- Culture of Care at Novo Nordisk (a poster with examples of their work), 2023
- The Capability Maturity Model as a Measure of Culture of Care in Laboratory Animal Science (Amarasekara et al., 2022)
- Maintaining a Culture of Care during a research animal facility closure (Robinson & Wilkinson, 2022)
- Achieving a good Culture of Care (Barney Reed, RSPCA UK, 2021)
- Contributing to Your Culture of Care (practical advice for animal care staff) (Robinson & Kerton, 2021)
- What does a Culture of Care look like? Lessons learnt from a workshop survey (Robinson & Kerton, 2021)
- A summary sheet for AWERBs (Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Bodies) with advice on how to promote a culture of care, with a comprehensive reference list of resources. Produced by the Animals in Science Department at the RSPCA.
- Bertelsen & Øvlisen (2021): Assessment of the Culture of Care working with laboratory animals by using a comprehensive survey tool.
- Bertelsen T & Hawkins P (2020): A Culture of Care. In: Animal-Centric Care and Management. Eds. DB Sørensen, S Cloutier & B Gaskill.
- Hawkins P & Bertelsen T (2019): 3Rs-Related and Objective Indicators to Help Assess the Culture of Care. Animals, November 2019.
- How effectively are Animal Welfare Bodies (AWBs) driving the Culture of Care, as set out in the EC working document on AWBs and national committees? A summary of the discussions of a Network meeting in Prague, June 2019
- Ethics, Animal Welfare and the 3Rs: An Effective Culture of Care. A presentation by Adrian Smith at the ESLAV Summer School, Stockholm, June 2018
- The Importance of a Culture of Care - a poster by Alan White, chair of the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body, GlaxoSmithKline UK (2018)
- Measuring Culture of Care. A presentation by Thomas Bertelsen at the 10th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Seattle, August 2017
- Boden T & Hawkins P (2016): Communicating the Culture of Care - how to win friends and influence people. Animal Technology and Welfare 15(3):151-156.
Other resources:
- Culture of Care: Creating the right environment for animal care, webinar series:
Jeffrey Bajramovic: An introduction to case studies
Sally Robinson: Culture of Care: What is it? Why is it important? Can you assess it?
Thomas Bertelsen: How to measure culture of care within laboratory animal science using a comprehensive survey tool
Stephanie Krämer: On the Responsibility of Responsibility
Lotte Martoft: Establishing a culture of care in an industrial environment
Megan LaFollette: Avoiding compassion fatigue in the animal facility
Alessandra Bergadano: The Swiss CoC Charta and the Swiss CoC working group - The Swiss Culture of Care Network
- Care-full Stories: a set of training materials designed to encourage people to reflect on their institution's culture of care
- The win-win-win-win scenario of a Culture of Care for animal research (a 44-minute presentation by Nuno Henrique Franco)
- Help when discussing Culture of Care at your laboratory animal facility / Diskussionsmaterial för att arbeta med Culture of Care (omsorgskultur), Swedish 3R-center, 2024/5
- EU Commission Guidance Document on Animal Welfare Bodies and National Committees (pages 16-18)
- Rumpel et al. (2023): Psychological stress and strain in laboratory animal professionals - a systematic review
- Turkménian et al. (2023): Scoring the Culture of Care as a key performance indicator in a global pharmaceutical company
- Tremolada et al. (2022): New perspectives for teaching Culture of Care and their strengths and challenges
- Tremoleda JL & Kerton A (2021): Teaching a culture of care: Why it matters. Rev. Bio. y Der. 51: 43-60.
- Robinson S et al. (2020): The European Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Associations’ Research and Animal Welfare Group: Assessing and benchmarking ‘Culture of Care’ in the context of using animals for scientific purpose.
- Brown MJ et al. (2017) Developing a Collaborative Culture of Caring. In Management of Animal Use and Care Programs in Research, Education and Testing
- Narver HL et al. (2017): Tributes for animals and the dedicated people entrusted with their care: a practical how-to guide
- Louhimies S (2015): Refinement facilitated by the Culture of Care. ALTEX Proceedings of the EUSAAT 2015-Linz 2005 Congress, 20-23 September, Linz, 4(2), 154.
- Brown M (2014): Creating a Culture of Care.
- Klein HJ & Bayne KA (2007): Establishing a Culture of Care, Conscience, and Responsibility: Addressing the Improvement of Scientific Discovery and Animal Welfare Through Science-Based Performance Standards ILAR Journal, 43(1), 3-11.
- National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee of New Zealand (2002) A Culture of Care: A guide for people working with animals in research, testing and teaching
- Herzog H (2002): Ethical Aspects of Relationships Between Humans and Research Animals. ILAR Journal, 43, 27-32.
- ILAR Journal (2002): Implications of Human-Animal Interactions in the Laboratory. Volume 43, Issue 1.
- NHS (UK): The "Going Home Checklist"
- Posters about humane care from Charles River
- Links from the NC3Rs
Compassion fatigue
- Resources about compassion fatigue from the 3Rs Collaborative (3RC)
- Federation of Veterinarians in Europe (2020): Ten Tips on Maintaining Mental Health. Written in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
- AALAS Training session: Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Caring
- Links to resources about emotional resilience and the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Compassion Fatigue: Education and Engagement in Animal Research (webinar by Marian Esvelt)
- Compassion fatigue in laboratory animal research (webinar by Megan LaFollette)
- Let's Talk Compassion Fatigue - the cost of caring
- Jensvold (2022): A Preliminary Assessment of Compassion Fatigue in Chimpanzee Caregivers
EFPIA (the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) has produced a leaflet introducing the concept of a Culture of Care. EFPIA have also a website about animal use and welfare, with more information about their views on a culture of care:
A Report from a workshop organised by the University of Southampton's Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB) on 20 July 2023, "Defining Our Culture of Care", contained this infographic that summarised the declarations resulting from the discussion.
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