This page contains links to some of the many reporting guidelines that are available.
Good reporting is only possible if experiments have been well planned - see the PREPARE guidelines (here is a comparison between ARRIVE and PREPARE).
- Promoting Reusable and Open Methods and Protocols (Pro-Map), EU Commission report (2024)
- The ARRIVE guidelines, including advice, with examples, on data interpretation; data reporting; generalisation and translatability; abstract writing; data access; and declaration of interests
- The Gold Standard Publication Checklist (GSPC)
- Guidelines for reporting the results of experiments using mammals (1985)
- Guidelines for reporting the results of experiments on fish (2000)
- MNMS: Minimal Metadata Set to repurpose nonclinical in vivo data for biomedical research (Moresis et al., 2024)
- HARRP (Harmonized Animal Research Reporting Principles)
- The MERIDIAN network (Menagerie of Reporting Guidelines Involving Animals)
- The EQUATOR network: Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of Health Research: list of reporting guidelines
- Guidelines for design and reporting of animal pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies (2018)
- CONSORT: guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials
- Animal Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Studies (APPS) Reporting Guidelines (Singh J et al., 2018)
- Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver Convention)
- An Unforeseen Events Report Form (see also CIRS-LAS)
- An End of Study Report Form
Further reading
- Moher et al. (2024): Reporting on data-sharing: executive position of the EQUATOR Network
- Novak, Shaw & Clutton (2022): Animal welfare requirements in publishing guidelines
- Reporting the Results of an Animal-based Scientific Investigation - an edited version of a guide produced by Arieh Bomzon and presented at the 2016 FELASA Congress
- The Principal Investigator Advisor Newsletter
- Recommendations for the publication of negative (or null) results (Bespalov et al., 2019)
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