Internal anatomy of a crayfish

Internal anatomy of a crayfish is a labeled image of the internal anatomy of the crayfish with descriptions.

Internal Anatomy Of A Crayfish

Internal anatomy of a crayfish is a labeled image of the internal anatomy of the crayfish with descriptions. It is a edible freshwater crustacean, with pincers on the two forelegs. The image displays the encephalon, stomach, heart, gonad, extensor & flexor muscles, anus, digestive gland, ganglion of ventral nerve cord, ventral nerve cord, maxilliped, esophagus, mandible, mouth, green gland & eye.

For comparison please see other related sites: Crayfish (with labels)An Illustrated Dissection Guide to the Crayfish, The Concise Crayfish, Crayfish Dissection Mat, Crayfish, Crayfish Anatomy Museum Mount, Crayfish Biosmount, Dissection 101 - Crayfish Dissection & Crayfish or Precious Crayfish

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This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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