Investigation of a Mammal (Rat)
By Dr. Wendy Van Dok, Melbourne, Australia
Record number: | 159e6 (legacy id: 4248) |
Category: | Anatomy - Dissection |
Type: | Video Film |

This film shows the external and internal anatomy of the rat. It is organized into sections: external organs and structures, followed by circulatory, respiratory, digestive and urogenital systems. The film is available free of charge on the Internet. A handout provides answers to the questions and exercises interspersed throughout the video film.
The following photographs may be downloaded free of charge: abdominal and thoracic organs of the female rat; digestive and urogenital organs; stomach and small intestine; female urogenital organs.
Comments & References: Our grateful thanks to Dr. Wendy Van Dok, who has donated the right to distribute this teaching tool to the NORINA database project. This product was funded by the Australian Humane Research Foundation. Please also see the section on the Norecopa website for films and slide shows (with links to a rat dissection film in both English and Spanish) and record number 5401 for another video film (available on DVD) of rat dissection.
Price: Free of charge.
A collection of virtual anatomy and dissection resources suitable for home learning is available here.
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