The Cephalopod Page
By James B. Wood
Record number: | 89669 (legacy id: 4663) |
Category: | Biology |
Type: | Web pages |

Description: Amid the diversity found in the phylum Mollusca, the class Cephalopoda which contains the nautilus, squids, cuttlefish, and octopuses is especially noteworthy. The characteristics which easily distinguish cephalopods from other molluscan classes are "their size and the impression they convey of activity and vigor" (Boyle, 1987). The largest invertebrate is the giant squid. The squid has the most highly developed nervous system of the invertebrates. From the standpoint of complexity and behaviour, cephalopods stand at the apex of invertebrate evolution (Meglitsch, 1991).
Comments & References: Please see for full information on this web site.
Price: Free of charge
Version: 1997
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