TextBase is a collection of information on textbooks within the field of laboratory animal science and related areas. (Information about guidelines for animal research is to be found in the 3R Guide database)
The database is built into this website and the search engine at the top of all the pages performs searches in it automatically. Tick the box next to TextBase in the search filters on the right of the screen when you have performed your search.
Some shortcuts:
- All products in TextBase sorted by date of entry: newest first; alphabetical order; latest edits
- Our favourite products (a rather arbitrary list which is not updated frequently)
- eBooks (electronic books)
Please contact us if you discover errors or would like to suggest products which should be cited in the database.
Norecopa maintains five other additional databases:
- 3R Guide, covering 3R-resources of use to those planning or conducting animal experiments (databases, guidelines, information centres, email lists, journals)
- NORINA covering alternatives to the use of animals in teaching and training
- An Inventory of 3Rs Knowledge Sources produced by the EU Commission
- An Inventory of 3Rs Education and Training Courses and Resources produced by the EU Commission
- Classic AVs (a subset of NORINA covering audiovisuals using older technology)
While we make every effort to keep the information in these databases updated, we cannot accept responsibility for factual errors, including availability and price. As we do not supply these products ourselves, we suggest you always contact the supplier for the latest information before you order.
A screenshot of part of the entry for a book in TextBase is shown below.
Number of products in TextBase today: 1931