The Handbook of Experimental Animals: The Laboratory Rat
By Krinke, Georg J.; Bullock, Gillian and Bunton, Tracie
Record number: | df772 (legacy id: 6117) |

This book provides important information for those working with laboratory rats. The information is provided by 50 contributors from eight countries.
Table of Contents: Part 1: The History and Development of the Rat as a Laboratory Model: Chapter 1: History, Strains and Models, Chapter 2: National and International Guidelines for the Conduct of Chemical Safety Studies: Choice of Strains; Part 2: Housing and Maintenance: Chapter 3: Handling and Restraint, Chapter 4: Husbandry, Chapter 5: Nutrition, Chapter 6: Animal Welfare Laws and Regulations; Part 3: Rat Pathogens: Chapter 7: Common Diseases, Chapter 8: Control of SPF Conditions: FELASA Standards; Part 4: Reproduction and Breeding: Chapter 9: Physiology of Reproduction, Chapter 10: Breeding and Assisted Reproduction Techniques, Chapter 11: Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Safety Studies, Chapter 12: Developmental Neurotoxicity; Part 5: Anatomy: Chapter 13: Gross Anatomy, Chapter 14: Imaging, Chapter 15: Synopsis of the Organ Anatomy; Part 6: Physiology, Chapter 16: Respiration, Chapter 17: Circulation, Chapter 18: Digestion, Metabolism, Chapter 19: The Urinary System, Chapter 20: Endocrinology, Chapter 21: Behavior, Neurology and Electrophysiology, Chapter 22: Immunology and Hematology, Chapter 23: Physiology of Stress and Starvation-like Conditions; Part 7: Procedures: Chapter 24: Routes of Administration, Chapter 25: Collection of Body Fluids, Chapter 26: Anesthesia, Artificial Ventilation and Perfusion Fixation, Chapter 27: Experimental Surgery, Chapter 28:Necropsy Techniques with Standard Collection and Trimming of Tissues; Part 8: Emerging New Techniques, Chapter 29: Genetic Engineering and Molecular Technology.
First Edition. 756 pages. Available as an eBook. Also available for Kindle at Amazon. This is the first volume in The Handbook of Experimental Animals Series. Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier. Suitable for researchers and students in the biological, veterinary, and medical sciences in academia, researchers in the pharmaceutical industry and commercial toxicological and pathology laboratories. A review of this handbook is available in Laboratory Animals, January 2001, Volume 35 (1), page 111. Please see record numbers 6134 and 7877 for other volumes in the same series. Please see record number 7087 for other books entitled The Laboratory Rat.
ISBN: eBook: 978-0-0805-3346-9
Price: eBook: EUR 215.00
Year: 2000
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