UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals, Volume I: Terrestrial Vertebrates
By Poole, Trevor
Record number: | a2427 (legacy id: 6588) |

The definitive work on practical husbandry, breeding, laboratory procedures and disease control for a wide variety of vertebrates from marine fish to non-human primates.
Contents: Part 1: The Laboratory Animal Defining laboratory animals; Environmental enrichment for vertebrates; Training laboratory animals; Animal production and breeding methods; Nutrition and feeding; Introduction to laboratory animal genetics. Part 2: Animal Units. The Animal House: design, equipment and environmental control; The Tropical Animal House; Safety and Hygiene; Transporting Animals. Part 3: Species Kept in The Laboratory, Mammals: The Laboratory Opossum (Monodelphis domestica); Australian Marsupials; Tree shrews; Bats. Rodents: Introduction to Rodents; Wild Rats and Mice; The Laboratory Mouse; The Laboratory Rat; Voles; The Laboratory Gerbil; Hamsters; The Guinea-pig. Lagomorpha: The European Wild Rabbit; The Laboratory Rabbit; Carnivora: The Ferret; The Dog; The Domestic Cat; Ungulates: Pigs and Minipigs; Sheep and Goats; Cattle; The Horse. Non-human primates: Introduction to Primates; Prosimians; Marmosets and Tamarins, Owl monkeys; Squirrel monkeys, Capuchin monkeys; Old world monkeys; Breeding Macaques in source countries; Chimpanzees. Birds. Introduction to Birds; European Wild Birds; The Domestic Fowl; The Japanese Quail, Doves and Pigeons, The Zebra Finch. Reptiles: Terrestrial Reptiles (Lizards, Snakes and Tortoises); References; Index.
Seventh Edition. 250 illustrations. 864 pages. Part of a two-volume set. Please see record numbers 6051 for Volume II and 7062 for the two-volume set. Also available from UFAW (http://www.ufaw.org.uk/). A review of this handbook is available in Laboratory Animals, April 2000, Volume 34 (2), page 223.
This book has now been replaced by the 8th Edition, see record number 8295.
ISBN-13: 978-0-632-05131-1; ISBN-10: 0-632-05131-0
Price: Volume 1: £150.00; Volume 2: £72.00; Two volume set: £200.00/US$399.99
Year: 1999
Product reviews: Reviewed in Laboratory Animals
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