Norecopa celebrated its 10th Anniversary on 10 October 2017 in Oslo. The Board and Secretary have produced a 36-page book describing the events leading up to its foundation and the work of Norecopa.
The book may be downloaded here as a pdf file. Please note that the blue text in the book is hyperlinked to web resources.
Please contact the Secretary if you wish to receive a hard copy.
The following presentations were held at the Anniversary celebrations:
Animal-free testing and humans-on-a-chip: How far have we come? (Leopold Koenig, TissUse GMBH, Berlin)
Nordic 3R-Centres: What can we offer? (Tom Bengtsen, Denmark's 3R-Center)
Wildlife research: Exploring ethical tensions between conservation, animal welfare and One Health (John Linnell, NINA)
Prize-winning 3R activity in Norway (Gøril Eide Flaten, University of Tromsø)
Have the 3Rs made any difference? (Elliot Lilley, RSPCA)
Closing remarks (Harald Gjein, Director of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Mattilsynet)

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