Those who wish to conduct animal research in Norway should immediately contact the facility where they intend to work, to find out when the next course is to be arranged. The University of Bergen coordinates a web-based national theoretical course, CAREin, for those who plan to work with rodents, pigs and model fish. Additional practical training will also be required. The University's animal facility website contains many useful links about education and training.
The available range of courses in Laboratory Animal Science is constantly changing. If you discover a mistake on this page, or wish us to add a link to a course not already mentioned here, please contact us.
Overview of courses in Norway in the Spring of 2025
Overview of courses in Norway in the Autumn 2024
ETPLAS has compiled an overview of European courses in Laboratory Animal Science.
ETPLAS also hosts free EU-Function modules (learning resources tailored to the functions defined in the EU Directive 2010/63). Many new modules are ready for testing by volunteers.
Guidance on the assessment of learning outcomes for those designing procedures and projects – Report of an ETPLAS Working Group
Please also see
- FELASA's Accreditation Scheme for Education and Training in Europe
- Norecopa's international Webinar & Meetings Calendar
- a list of Past Webinars & Meetings for ideas on how to achieve Continuing Professional Development
- a list of recorded webinars
- a dataset produced by the EU Commission of 3Rs Education and Training Courses and other Resources, which has been embedded in the Norecopa website. Note that these entries were a snapshot of the situation when the dataset was produced and may not all be relevant today, but they may still give useful contact information
- links to Norecopa's own meetings
3Rs Certificate Course produced by the 3Rs Collaborative (virtual, self-paced learning)
Courses designed primarily for UK personnel
- Home Office, IAT and CPD training arranged by University Biomedical Services (UBS) at Cambridge University
- UK Home Office L/E1, PIL AB and PIL C Live Webinars, Pre-recorded Webinars, Face-to-face and Online Courses arranged by The Learning Curve
Pay-per-view training courses from Responsible Research in Practice:
- Animal Use in Research and the 3Rs (1.5 hours)
- Animal Research Integrity (1.5 hours)
- Common Pitfalls in Experimental Design (1.5 hours)
Courses in Laboratory Animal Science at Karolinska Institute
Online FELASA-accredited course in Laboratory Animal Science for EU functions A, B and D
Labvet Europe (qualification as designated veterinarian, from the University of Copenhagen)
All courses from the Department of Experimental Medicine, Copenhagen University
Guidance on an Education and Training Framework from the EU Commission This includes a Training Record Template.
Links to other courses in Laboratory Animal Science and related fields - some can be out of date:
- Education and training from ESLAV/ECLAM
- Information about residency programmes approved by ECLAM
- Overview of institutions offering E-learning modules in laboratory animal science
- Overview of FELASA-accredited courses in Europe and beyond
- Dipl.SVLAS - postgraduate recognition as Diplomate Specialised Veterinarian in Laboratory Animal Science awarded by SAVIR (Swiss Association of Veterinarians in Industry and Research)
- International Course in the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, online/Crete, April/May/June 2022
- Course in Animal Experimentation: Welfare, Legislation and Ethical Committees and Evaluation of Projects, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 15 February - 30 April 2022
- Courses on Recognition, Prevention and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals (Flecknell et al., Newcastle University)
- International course in Laboratory Animal Science, Crete, April-June 2021
- Courses in Laboratory Animal Science at the University of Zurich
- Curriculum for undergraduate and Masters students on the use of research animals, organised by the British Pharmaceutical Society and partners
- Lab Animal Training - courses in Berlin
- M.Sc. in Laboratory Animal Science at Aachen University
- International Course in Laboratory Animal Science, Utrecht
- Courses in Laboratory Animal Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), including Master in Laboratory Animal Science & Welfare, ECLAM Residence and Certificate LAS&M
- NACWO training courses accredited by the UK Institute of Animal Technology
- Workshops on Animal Welfare and Ethics are arranged on demand at UK Universities by the Research Animals Department, RSPCA
- Charles River Education (webinars, seminars and workshops) and Charles River Campus
- Courses in cryopreservation and phenotyping at INFRAFRONTIER and at MRC Harwell
- Learning Curve Development Ltd. (courses, workshops and training material)
- Training courses in lab animal surgery from Vetsalius
- NOVICE (Network of Veterinarians in Continuing Education)
- Red Kite Veterinary Consultants (courses and training), see Refresher Training and CPD
- Scandinavian Microsurgery Academy (courses in Gothenburg)
- Training courses for rodent microsurgery, New York (provided by InsideScientific)
- Training courses in Laboratory Animal Science and Genetics provided by MRC Harwell, Oxford, UK
- Training courses from Envigo (previously Harlan)
- Certificate in Laboratory Animal Medicine - Canada (University of Guelph)
- Master of Laboratory Animal Science (online course from Drexel University)
- The Experimental Fish (online course from the Canadian Aquaculture Institute)
- Courses and webinars on responsible research from Responsible Research in Practice
- AVMA symposia and summits
- AWIC Workshops to meet the information requirements of the US Animal Welfare Act
- René Remie Surgical Skills Centre (RRSSC)
- Online, on-demand courses from Coursera, including Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Edinburgh University), Dog Emotion and Cognition (Duke University) and Chicken Behaviour and Welfare (Edinburgh University)
- Online courses by CITI on, among other topics, Animal Care and Use (including species-specific courses and a course on wildlife research), Bioethics, Biosafety and Biosecurity, Good Laboratory Practice, and Research Study Design
- WASP Science (Without Animal Suffering and Pain): Surgical training courses without animals
- Training courses for cephalopod researchers
- Webinars in Biosafety and Biosecurity from ABSA
- Courses in Biosafety and Biosecurity from EBSA
- Webinars from InsightScientific
- Scanbur Academy (scheduled and on-demand courses)
- Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB)
- Improve International Veterinary Training
- An overview of education, training and webinars related to in vitro and in silico methods in toxicology, provided by
- Summer School Programme in animal free medical research
- Courses for wildlife researchers (designed for UK licensees) at the University of Edinburgh
- APHA/FERA Wildlife Training courses run by the National Wildlife Management Centre
- Certification programmes from The Wildlife Society, USA
- PAHO/WHO Course on Reporting Guidelines
- Continuing Education courses arranged by the British Society of Toxicological Pathology (BSTP)
- ONCORE online courses in veterinary clinical, nursing and leadership topics
- E-learning resources funded by the NC3Rs
- Online Healthcare and Medicine courses from FutureLearn
- CLAST courses (College of Laboratory Animal Science and Technology)
- AALAS Learning Library
- IACUC 101 series - a non-profit organization that presents educational programs to promote understanding of federal laws, regulations and policies governing the care and use of animals in research and education, and the roles and responsibilities of individuals in Institutional Animal Care and Use programmes.
- Presentations of the PREPARE guidelines for planning animal research and testing
- ComPass: a free online course provided by ANZCCART, covering the Australian Code and New Zealand Guide and welfare issues relating to animal use in research and teaching
- Accrediting your course according to FELASA standards - Worth the time and money?, webinar (Marcel Gyger), 20 May 2019
- The Biomedical and Life Sciences collection of HS Talks
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