Irradiation and chemotherapy


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Directive 2010/63/EU, Annex VIII

  . Irradiation or chemotherapy with a sublethal dose, or with an otherwise lethal dose but with reconstitution of the immune system. Adverse effects would be expected to be mild or moderate and would be short-lived (<5 days). Irradiation or chemotherapy with a lethal dose without reconstitution of the immune system, or reconstitution with production of graft versus host disease.
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)   Irradiation or chemotherapy resulting in immune-incompetence of limited duration with subsequent spontaneous reconstitution (whole body). Irradiation energy 400–450 rad, depending on strain.

Irradiation or chemotherapy with a lethal dose with successful reconstitution of the immune system and total lymphoid destruction (whole body).

Examples: Partial irradiation with immobilisation of the animal using a fixation device. Whole-body irradiation with successful reconstitution of the immune system, if animals are kept in IVC cages with antibiotic cover (irradiation energy 450–900 rad, depending on strain).
Irradiation or chemotherapy with a lethal dose without reconstitution of the immune system (whole body).
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)   UVA and UVB irradiation of mice. Irradiation energy: UVA: 50–100 J/cm2, UVB: 50–500 mJ/cm2, irradiation time 2–15 minutes.


Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010) Diagnostics
(Dexa, scintigraphy, X-ray)
Depending on the dose.

Depending on the dose- reversible tissue damage.

Depending on the dose- irreversible tissue damage.


Exposure to electricity


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Directive 2010/63/EU, Annex VIII

  .   Inescapable electric shock (e.g. to produce learned helplessness).
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010) Physiological area (60 – 90 mV). Ergotherapy (different animal species
often with different sensitivity level).
Electrophysiological measurements under anaesthesia. Avoidance behaviour with given alternative to avoid the situation, depending on voltage, amperage, and duration (e.g. pasture fence device, 9 V, short-term).

No alternative to avoid the situation, depending on voltage, amperage, and duration - reversible tissue damage.

No alternative to avoid the situation with higher voltage and amperage, and longer duration - irreversible tissue damage.


Exposure to heat


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)

    Induction of small, localised first or second degree burns under anaesthesia with subsequent pain management for topical treatment with test substances, max. 10% body surface area. Induction of small, localised first or second degree burns under anaesthesia with subsequent pain management for topical treatment with test substances, max. 20% body surface area.
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010) Reaction test hot plate. The purpose of this test is to provoke a reaction, not to induce pain. Burns or scalds first-, second-, third degree in defined areas. Maximum 10% of the body surface of a pig for simulated treatment of severely burnt humans, done under anaesthesia only and with final artificial coma. Burns or scalds first-, second-, third-degree in defined areas. Maximum 30% of the body surface of a pig for simulated treatment of severely burnt humans, done under anaesthesia only and with final artificial coma. Burns or scalds first-, second-, thirddegree in defined areas. Maximum 50% of the body surface of a pig for simulated treatment of severely burnt humans, done under anaesthesia only and with final artificial coma.


Exposure to cold


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)

  . Mice and other small rodents at +4°C to reduce body core temperature to 31°C maximum for metabolic studies, for max. 4 hours on one occasion, free access to water. Rewarming on a heating pad. Mice and other small rodents at +4°C to reduce body core temperature to 31°C maximum for metabolic studies, for longer than 4 hours on one occasion, free access to water. Rewarming on a heating pad.


Exposure to acids and bases


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010)
Depending on: concentration and type; quantity; route of application; duration. ®®® ®®® ®®®




Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010)
  .Under anaesthesia: trepanation of the skull. Under final anaesthesia: Surgical techniques. Replacement tissue. Bone fracture, wound healing. Closed traumas of the muscular tissue.   With recovering from anaesthesia: Bone fracture, wound healing. Closed traumas of the muscular tissue without analgesia (Sudeck’s disease models). Surgical techniques, replacement tissue. Generating and subsequent treating of traumatic brain injuries.


Pressure change


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010)
Natural air pressure. Pressure change: depending on time and area of impact. ®®® ®®®


Sound and ultrasound


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)


Measurements in sedated animals with i.v. or i.p. injections of substances.

Examples: Testing of contrast agents by means of sample echography.
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010) Depending on the decibel
level (up to 70db)

Depending on the decibel level (up to 85db)

Depending on the decibel level (from 85db on) Depending on the decibel level (from 100db on)


Magnetic fields


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)

  NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) measurements in anaesthetised animals. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) measurements under sedation. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) measurements in the conscious, restrained animal.
Working Group of Berlin Animal Welfare Officers (2010) Diagnostics (NMR)      


Chronic hypoxia


Non-harmful / below threshold / severity degree 0 Mild / severity degree 1 Moderate / severity degree 2 Severe / severity degree 3
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO (2018)

    Mice in oxygen tent (100% O2) with gradual lowering of O2 concentration within 6 hours to the final O2 concentration of max. 8%. Mice in oxygen tent (100% O2) with gradual lowering of O2 concentration within 2 hours to the final O2 concentration of max. 8%.


This page was updated on 05 July 2023

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