Virtual Frog Dissection Kit
By Group leader: William E. Johnston
Record number: | 0a239 (legacy id: 2812) |
Category: | Dissection |
Type: | Web pages |

Description: This interactive program, available for free access on the Internet, is part of the Whole Frog Project. The program allows interactive dissection of a frog and includes the capability to make on-the-fly films. A browser that supports frames and sensitive images is needed. The dissection kit is available in a number of languages. The user can perform two operations, change the view of the frog, and remove/insert the exterior and internal organs. The organs are colour-coded to make them more readily identifiable. Knowledge of frog anatomy can be tested with the Virtual Frog Builder Game. A Java version 1.1.1 application can also be accessed. The goal of the project is to provide high school biology classes the ability to explore the anatomy of the frog using data from high resolution MRI imaging and from mechanical sectioning, together with 3D surface and volume rendering software. to visulaize the anatomical structures of the intact animal. Examples of other reconstructions and MRI images created by the project team (including an orange, tomato, pumpkin and rat) are also available.
Please see for full information on this web site.
Price: Free of charge on the Internet
Please see this overview of online resources for home learning
See also:
Frog Dissection, Virtual Frog (V-Frog)
SynFrog (dissection model), Froguts
Norecopa holds information on a large number of other alternatives to frog dissections and information on other dissection alternatives. We also have information on:
- resources for schoolchildren writing about animal research
- the ethics of animal research
- resources for those interested in animal welfare
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