Health monitoring and disease prevention in fish
Please also see guidance on Humane endpoints, Humane killing, Welfare and the section on zebrafish.
- Guidelines for health and welfare monitoring of fish used in research
- Ellis et al. (2019): In-Tank Underwater Cameras can refine Monitoring of Laboratory Fish
- Standardizing the microbiota of fish used in research
- O'Rourke et al. (2018): Nontraditional Laboratory Animal Species (Cephalopods, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds) - health and safety issues
- Johansen R (2005) Health monitoring of fish used in research
- Dunham A (2004) Aquaculture and Fisheries Biotechnology: Genetic Approaches CABI Publishing
- Winton JR (2001) Fish health management. In: Fish hatchery management (Wedemeyer G, eds). Maryland: American Fisheries Society, 559-640
- Ostrander GK (2000) The Laboratory Fish. Academic Press, Baltimore, USA.
- Noga NJ (2000) Fish Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment, Blackwell Publishing
- Brattelid T (1999) Kap 9 Helseovervåking og mikrobiologiske kvaliteter, Kompendium i forsøksdyrlære for fiskeforskere (Norwegian-language compendium from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science)
- Iwama GK, Pickering AD, Sumpter JP & Schreck CB (1997) Fish stress and health in aquaculture. Cambridge University Press
- Currie S & Evans DH (2007) The Physiology of Fishes CRC Press
- Bruno DW, Poppe TT A Colour Atlas of Salmonid Diseases Elsevier
- Decapsulation of Artemia cysts
Most guidelines for the care and use of fish in research also include parts on health monitoring. These can be found using the search engine on this website and in this section.
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