
Please contact Norecopa if you know of endorsements that are not on this list.
See also the page of general endorsements for Norecopa's work.

Funders and Regulatory Authorities

Scientific organisations

  • The UK Concordat on Openness describes endorsement of PREPARE in its annual report for 2022. In 2020, they noticed that signatories of the Concordat were mentioning in their contributions to the report for that year that they were following the PREPARE guidelines. For their annual reports in 2021 and 2022, signatories were expressly asked whether they work to PREPARE. In 2022, 80 signatories (including research organisations, learned societies with publications and funders) stated that PREPARE was endorsed and actively supported by them, and 46 organisations stated that they also use the PREPARE guidelines to underpin the ARRIVE reporting guidelines. Nineteen research organisations have also developed specific practices for ensuring that the guidelines are followed by their researchers. Very similar figures were cited in their annual report for 2023.
  • In a statement dated 19 April 2022, the Animals in Science Department at the RSPCA, UK, state that 'Norecopa’s innovative and comprehensive PREPARE guidelines have had a particularly strong impact with respect to improving animal welfare, the 3Rs and scientific quality'.
  • The US National Agricultural Library's Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) cites PREPARE as providing 'advice on topics (include literature searching) that researchers should consider when planning studies involving animals'.
  • PREPARE was highlighted in the January 2018 edition of the newsletter of the National Centre for the 3Rs (NC3Rs) in the U.K.
  • PREPARE has been endorsed by ANZCCART (Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching)
  • The Swedish Board of Agriculture's 3R Center cites the PREPARE guidelines on their webpage about preparing for animal research.
  • The primer on research involving animals produced by the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) in February 2019 described PREPARE as 'current best practice for laboratory animal science'. Version 2 of this primer, published in 2020, states that 'institutions can support researchers to consider all the topics which may influence the outcome of their studies and aid collaboration by promoting the PREPARE guidelines published in 2017, a good practice checklist for use when planning experimental procedures on animals'.
  • EFPIA published an Industry Statement on Experimental Design in 2019, which supports the use of PREPARE as one of three resources for planning, reporting and publishing in vivo studies.
  • The UK organisation FRAME's website recommends PREPARE when animal research cannot be avoided, as an aid in dissemination of the highest quality and reproducible research, to eliminate needless repetition of experiments and waste of animal lives and funding. FRAME's Review of experimental design training provision for biosciences PhD students at UK universities points out that it would be beneficial to provide specific training in design to early career researchers that are applying for personal licences, mentioning PREPARE specifically.
  • The Quality Principles in Systemic Phenotyping of genetically altered mouse models, published by INFRAFRONTIER, the European research infrastructure for the generation, phenotyping, archiving, and distribution of model mammalian genomes In the the detailed supplementary file, recommend that the PREPARE guidelines should be used in training and when designing phenotyping experiments.
  • A review paper by The US National Primate Research Center Consortium Rigor and Reproducibility Working Group concludes that 'adopting such guidelines consistently at the experiment preparation phase represents one potentially valuable step forward in ensuring that work that is carried out will be robust'.
  • The 3R Center Rhein-Neckar states that PREPARE 'covers all stages of quality assurance, from the management of an animal facility or population to the individual procedures that are part of a study'.
  • The International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) lists PREPARE under Educational Resources among 'potentially useful resources for those interested in studying applied ethology or looking for tools to aid in their research'.
  • The Focus on Severe Suffering initiative from the RSPCA, UK, states that using the PREPARE guidelines 'help ensure that you have considered all aspects of a study which can affect its validity and reproducibility, as well as the animals’ welfare' (Disclosure: co-author of PREPARE, Elliot Lilley, was employed by the RSPCA at the time of publication of PREPARE, but has since left) 

Journals and Guidelines for Publication


  • The Animal Welfare Body at Utrecht University describes PREPARE as a guideline for animal experiments, and states that 'using PREPARE is helpful for making a good work protocol design, which supports refinements of animal experiments'. Furthermore, they write: 'PREPARE is relevant for all stages of quality assurance, from individual procedures to managing an animal facility. The experts who are involved have experience in running animal facilities, collaborating with researchers, serving on advisory and regulatory committees and planning animal studies. The guidelines and checklists are developed upon the experiences of the authors during the last 30 years. PREPARE focuses on factors that can dramatically influence the validity and outcome of animal studies. Always use the PREPARE guidelines when planning a project that may involve animals. The guidelines should be used from day one of planning, in close collaboration with the animal facility where the project is executed'.
  • The University of Leicester​ state: 'We, alongside the Home Office, recommend the use of the PREPARE checklist for preparing grant applications.'
  • The University of Zurich recommends the PREPARE guidelines, in their guidance on study design.
  • The University of Lausanne has a list of steps to follow before starting animal experiments, where it  specifically mentions PREPARE.
  • The University of Bergen provides a flow diagram for study planning (Animal research - step by step), which recommends the use of PREPARE.
  • Lund University in Sweden uses the PREPARE checklist in their requirements for scientists applying for permission to perform animal research.
  • On a page entitled Optimising animal studies, the University of Edinburgh writes that 'PREPARE acts as an aide memoire for busy researchers and gives them advice on all the issues which may affect the scientific validity and translatability of their research, as well as the animals' welfare'.
  • The League of European Research Universities (LERU) has published Good Practice in Communicating Animal Research at Universities, and points out that 'initiatives such as: the PREPARE guidelines on how to plan animal experiments...are designed to deliver more reliable and translatable research. In addition, these exercises may lead to a reduction of unnecessary animal experiments'.

Scientific papers and media articles

This page was updated on 16 July 2024

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