Norecopa's Annual Meetings

Norecopa's 17th Annual Meeting, 4 June 2024

This was a hybrid meeting from Scandic Ørnen in Bergen, as in 2023.
0930 - 1000: Coffee and registration for participants in Bergen
1000 - 1100: Norecopa's Annual Meeting (in Norwegian)
1100 - 1130: Norecopas 3R Prize - the Prize Committee's conclusions (in Norwegian) and the Prizewinner's presentation
1130 - 1215: Free lunch for participants in Bergen
1215 - 1245: Are 3R Centres making a difference? (Elliot Lilley, NC3Rs, UK) (video recording)
1245 - 1315: Achieving a good Culture of Care (Barney Reed, RSPCA, UK)
1315 - 1330: A new Nordic Zebrafish Network and course series (Lars Bräutigam, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm) - the Network's preliminary homepage 
1330 - 1400: Working together to prevent 'severe suffering' (Barney Reed, RSPCA, UK)
1400 - 1415: Coffee break
1415 - 1515: Diversity matters - the risk of standardisation (Natasha Karp, Astrazeneca, UK)

Details of the agenda of the Annual Meeting have been posted on the Norwegian version of this page.
Minutes from the meeting (in Norwegian)

Norecopa's 16th Annual Meeting, 12 June 2023

Norecopa's annual meeting in 2023 was held on 12 June. It was a physical meeting from Scandic Ørnen in Bergen, with streaming of the presentations.
Most, but not all, of the content was in Norwegian: click here for the full programme.
A poster with the programme can be downloaded here. The Norwegian-language programme for the annual meeting can be read here.
Norecopa's annual 3R Prize was awarded at the meeting.
Minutes from the meeting (in Norwegian)

Norecopa's 15th Annual Meeting, 1 June 2022

This was a virtual event, held in Norwegian, followed by the award of Norecopa's 3R-prize.
Voting cards for members who could not participate
Agenda with the Election Committee's proposal for new Board members
Norecopa's Action Plan for 2021-2025
Accounts for 2021 and the Board's budget proposal for 2022 
The Board's Annual Report for 2021 (Norwegian and English versions)

Minutes from the meeting (in Norwegian)

Norecopa's 14th Annual Meeting, 8 June 2021

Norecopa's Annual Meeting in 2021 was a virtual event, held in Norwegian (more information here), followed by the award of Norecopa's 3R Prize.
A voting card was available for members who could not participate on the day.

Agenda (in Norwegian)
Accounts for 2020 and budget proposal for 2021 
Annual Report for 2020
Activity Plan for 2021-25 (proposal - approved version)

Minutes from the meeting (in Norwegian)

Norecopa's 13th Annual Meeting, June 2020

Due to the Corona pandemic, Norecopa's Annual Meeting in 2020 was cancelled. It was replaced by electronic voting. Norecopa's members received all relevant papers on 13 May, with a voting card which was to be returned by 12 June and counted on 15 June:
Agenda (in Norwegian)
Annual Report for 2019

Programmes for earlier annual meetings:


Much of Norecopa's information about the annual meetings, including the minutes, is only available on the Norwegian version of this page.

Norecopa was founded on 10 October 2007 and has arranged annual meetings since June 2008, with many English-speaking guest speakers. The scientific presentations are available below as pdf files, together with presentations from Norecopa's 10th Anniversary celebrations:

This page was updated on 03 September 2024

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