Title |
Speaker |
Affiliation |
Year |
General presentations |
PREPARE for Better Science: A practical guide to available resources
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2024 |
A Practical Guide to Planning, Conducting and Reporting Animal Studies
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2024 |
Achieving a good culture of care
Barney Reed |
2024 |
Working together to prevent 'severe suffering'
Barney Reed |
2024 |
Diversity matters: the risks of standardisation
Natasha Karp |
Astrazeneca |
2024 |
Are 3R Centres making a difference? (pdf) (video recording)
Elliot Lilley |
NC3Rs |
2024 |
PREPARE for Better Science: the PREPARE and ARRIVE guidelines
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2023 |
Hvordan ivaretas behovet for etisk vurdering i søknader om forsøksdyr i Norge?
Gunvor Knudsen |
Mattilsynet |
2021 |
Design of animal studies: Increasing reproducibility and animal welfare
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2020 |
PREPARE before you ARRIVE: Good reporting relies on good planning |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2019 |
How to improve scientific validity and animal welfare: guidelines for animal research |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2019 |
Working to advance harmonisation and dissemination of best practice in animal research and testing |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2019 |
Experiences with building 3R databases and international networks |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2019 |
Ethics, animal welfare and the 3Rs: An effective Culture of Care |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2018 |
Animal-free testing and humans-on-a-chip: How far have we come? |
Leopold Koenig |
TissUse GMBH, Berlin, Germany |
2017 |
Nordic 3R-Centres: What can we offer? |
Tom Bengtsen |
Denmark's 3R-Center |
2017 |
Prize-winning 3R activity in Norway |
Gøril Eide |
University of Tromsø, Norway |
2017 |
Have the 3Rs made any difference? |
Elliot Lilley |
2017 |
Assessing welfare: how, why and when? |
Elliot Lilley |
2017 |
How to assess welfare in genetically altered animals? |
Anne Zintzsch |
MDC, Berlin, Germany |
2017 |
A brief history of the fish embryo toxicity (FET) test |
Adam Lilicrap |
NIVA, Norway |
2017 |
Enrichment: concept and comparative aspects |
Cecilie Mejdell |
Norwegian Veterinary Institute |
2017 |
How to construct a proper literature search when planning an experiment |
Alice Tillema |
Radboud University, The Netherlands |
2016 |
Pain management after surgery: are we good enough? |
Eddie Clutton |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
2015 |
Tools for better 3R-searches |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2015 |
Humans on a microchip: how far have we come? |
Reyk Horland |
Technische Universität, Berlin, Germany |
2014 |
Which animals feel pain? |
Jannicke Nordgreen |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2013 |
Can we be sure the animal is anaesthetised? |
Eddie Clutton |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
2013 |
Are our methods of killing animals humane? |
Huw Golledge |
University of Newcastle, UK |
2013 |
Beastly Bliss: Animal Pleasure and its Significance |
Jonathan Balcombe |
Humane Society University, USA |
2012 |
Animal testing in toxicology: does it work? |
Thomas Hartung |
2011 |
Opportunities for replacing animals in toxicity testing
Thomas Hartung |
2011 |
Advice on how to run a Centre for the 3Rs
Mark Prescott |
NC3Rs, UK |
2008 |
Care and Use of Animals in Field Research |
Etiske problemstillinger ved forskning på ville dyr: Forsøk eller forvaltning?
Jon Arnemo |
Høgskolen i Innlandet |
2021 |
Research and management of wild animals: Politics, ethics and the 3Rs
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2019 |
Regulating the scientific use of animals taken from the wild
Kim Willoughby |
Home Office, UK |
2017 |
Marine mammals: challenges and regulations
Lars Folkow |
University of Tromsø, Norway |
2017 |
Challenges for the Authority
Heidi Bugge |
Norwegian Food Safety Authority |
2017 |
Capture and marking of large carnivores for management purposes |
Veronica Sahlén |
Norwegian Environment Agency |
2017 |
Wildlife health status in Norway |
Carlos das Neves |
Norwegian Veterinary Institute and University of Tromsø |
2017 |
Status and challenges with immobilization techniques and equipment |
Jon Arnemo |
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences |
2017 |
Efforts to reduce poor reproducibility/translatability: the PREPARE guidelines |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2017 |
Camera trapping wildlife in Scandinavia - challenges and opportunities |
John Odden |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2017 |
Wildlife research: Exploring ethical tensions between conservation, animal welfare and One Health |
John Linnell |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2017 |
Disease as a confounding problem and the need for surveillance |
Bjørnar Ytrehus |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2017 |
Putting tags and transmitters in birds: are our guidelines flights of fantasy? |
Rory Wilson |
Swansea University, UK |
2017 |
Technology and 3Rs in wildlife research: state of the art |
John Linnell |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2014 |
Courses in field research and the three Rs |
Julie Lane |
Central Science Laboratory, UK |
2008 |
Health monitoring and zoonoses |
Bjørnar Ytrehus |
Norwegian Veterinary Institute |
2008 |
Statistical design of field experiments: challenges and solutions |
Stig Larsen |
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science |
2008 |
Field research: the animal welfare view |
Anton Krag |
Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance |
2008 |
Field research: justification and results |
Hans Christian Pedersen |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2008 |
Field research on small rodents |
Torbjørn Ergon |
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) |
2008 |
Refinement of techniques for capture, immobilisation and marking |
Jon Arnemo |
Hedmark University College, Norway |
2008 |
Guidelines for field research: what do we have and what is missing? |
Penny Hawkins |
2008 |
What are the challenges in Norwegian field research? |
Geir Wing Gabrielsen |
Norwegian Polar Institute |
2008 |
Care and Use of Farm Animals in Research |
Mental health in animals: a shift towards positive welfare indicators
Randi Moe |
Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
2012 |
Experiences with bringing animals into the lab: the pig as an example |
Tore Framstad |
Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
2012 |
Positive reinforcement training in farm animals |
Peter Glerup |
Scantox, Denmark |
2012 |
Practical application of the 3Rs - enrichment or standardisation? |
Peter Clausing |
AAALAC International |
2012 |
Challenges in farm animal research: the protectionist’s view |
Roman Kolar |
German Animal Welfare Federation, Neubiberg |
2012 |
Is EU legislation on animals used for scientific purposes sufficiently geared towards research using farm animal species? |
Marcelle Holloway |
European Commission, Brussels |
2012 |
Update on CCAC guidelines on the use of farm animals in research, teaching and testing |
Gilly Griffin |
CCAC, Canada |
2012 |
The FASS Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching |
John McGlone |
Texas Tech University, USA |
2012 |
The 4 E's of farm animal research: Economics, Education, Encouragement and Enforcement |
David Main |
University of Bristol, UK |
2012 |
Recognition of pain and treatment in farm animal species |
Eddie Clutton |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
2012 |
Health monitoring and the issue of rehoming farm animals |
Axel Kornerup Hansen |
Copenhagen University, Denmark |
2012 |
Guidelines for housing, handling, bleeding and production techniques (guidelines) |
Penny Hawkins |
2012 |
Application of the 3Rs to challenge tests used in vaccine development |
Coenraad Hendriksen |
National Vaccine Institute, The Netherlands |
2012 |
Accreditation of farm animal facilities: common issues and solutions |
Bart Carter |
AAALAC International |
2012 |
Non-invasive methods of welfare assessment in sheep and cattle |
Solveig Marie Stubsjøen |
Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
2012 |
Farmyard research under the radar: are the 3Rs being used? |
Torstein Steine |
Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
2012 |
Care and Use of Fish in Research |
A new Nordic Zebrafish Network and course series |
Lars Bräutigam |
Karolinska Institutet |
2024 |
Etiske problemstillinger ved fisk som forsøksdyr - fra grunnforskning til industriell bruk |
Ingunn Sommerset |
Veterinærinstituttet |
2021 |
What can Norecopa do for fish researchers? |
Adrian Smith |
Norecopa |
2017 |
European legislation on environmental enrichment and what this means for fish |
Penny Hawkins |
2017 |
Social enrichment and requirements for the tank rearing of Atlantic Salmon |
Jonatan Nilsson |
Institute of Marine Research, Norway |
2016 |
Social enrichment for Atlantic salmon |
Jonaton Nilsson |
Institute of Marine Research, Norway |
2016 |
Detection and alleviation of pain in fish |
Lynne Sneddon |
University of Liverpool, UK |
2015 |
Fish and fish robots: how can they help to understand each other? |
Marja Kruusmaa |
Tallinn University of Technology |
2014 |
Experiences from the inspection of fish research facilities in the UK |
Kathy Ryder |
Home Office Inspectorate, UK |
2009 |
Research needs within fish welfare - presentation of a report on the status in Norway |
Trond Brattelid |
NIFES, Norway |
2009 |
Do we have practical positive and negative welfare indicators for fish that we can use in a research/farm setting? |
John Avizienius |
2009 |
Health monitoring of fish used in research - progress? |
Anne Ramstad |
VESO Vikan, Norway |
2009 |
Husbandry and environmental enrichment - what do fish need and has there been much progress? |
Gareth Readman |
AstraZeneca, UK |
2009 |
Telemetry in fish - update |
Øyvind Aas-Hansen |
Nofima Marin, Norway |
2009 |
Challenges in fish research: the protectionist's view |
Anton Krag |
Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance |
2009 |
Update on the EU directive and the CoE convention |
Bente Bergersen |
Norwegian Food Safety Authority |
2009 |
Global update on guidelines for fish research |
Gilly Griffin |
CCAC, Canada |
2009 |
Vaccine testing: can we reduce fish numbers and/or avoid fish use? |
Kjetil Fyrand |
PHARMAQ AS, Norway |
2009 |
Guidelines for anaesthesia and analgesia of fish (guidelines) |
Gidona Goodman |
Edinburgh University, UK |
2009 |
Proposed revisions to methods of killing fish used in research in the UK |
Robert Hubrecht |
2009 |
The challenges of using humane endpoints in fish research |
Kathy Ryder |
Home Office Inspectorate, UK |
2009 |
An overview of existing guidelines for handling, bleeding and administration techniques (Guidelines) |
Penny Hawkins |
2009 |
The challenge of arranging accredited courses for fish researchers and technicians |
Aurora Brønstad |
University of Bergen, Norway |
2009 |
Field work and lab studies: two sets of standards? |
Grete Bæverfjord |
Nofima Marin, Norway |
2009 |