- 3R Guide
- 3RsET Resources
- 11th PhD Symposium
- 12th PhD Symposium
- 2nd PhD Symposium
- 3D Cell Culture Innovations session 1 and 2
- 3D Cell Cultures and Tissue Clearing: A High Content Confocal Platform for the Complete 3D Characterization of Advanced Cell Models
- 3D Spheroid Cell Models for Drug-Resistant Cancer Research
- 3D Tissue Modeling
- 3D anatomy software
- 3DTissue Engineering Quality Control – From the bench to the bedside
- 3R Symposium Rethinking Biomedical Sciences
- 3rd PhD Symposium
- 4th PhD Symposium
- AALAS Certification Preparation
- ALAT Training
- AOP-Informed Predictive Modeling Approaches for Regulatory Toxicology
- ATCC® Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Enabling Research through Standards
- Acclimation of Training Animals for Standard Handling, Restraint and Laboratory Techniques
- Advanced Cell Culture Lab based Training
- Advanced Models of Parkinson’s Disease
- Advanced in vitro cell culture workshop and training
- Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathways for Integrated Toxicology and Regulatory Applications
- Advancing the Adverse Outcome Pathway Concept: An International Horizon Scanning Approach
- Adverse Outcome Pathways: An update on progress and some near-term applications
- Adverse Outcome Pathways: From Research to Regulation
- Alternative Approaches for Acute Inhalation Toxicity Testing
- Alternative Methods for Evaluation of Toxicity
- Alternative Methods in Animal Testing
- Alternative Methods to Experimental Animal Use in Toxicology
- Alternative Methods to the Use of Lab Animals
- Alternative approaches to modern toxicology
- Alternative methods for assessing the safety of cosmetic ingredients and finished products
- Alternative methods for assessing the safety of cosmetic ingredients and finished products
- Alternatives lab at Dyreavdelingen
- Analgesia, Anesthesia, & Surgery
- Analysis of ToxCast results for alkylphenols demonstrate effects from multiple modes of action and inform on their hazard assessment
- Anatomical Model of the Laboratory Rat
- Anesthetic Monitoring 101—Back to Basics
- Angio-Ready™ An improved in vitro model of angiogenesis
- Animal Ethics Mandatory Online Training Course
- Animal Health & Wellbeing
- Animal Management and Welfare
- Animal Welfare
- Animal Welfare, Ethics and the 3Rs
- Animal experiments theory and practice - FELASA Cat. C
- Animal, in vitro and computational models for preclinical analysis of cell-based cancer therapies
- Application of non-animal (toxico)kinetic data and tools in risk assessment from basic research to practice
- Application of non-animal approaches for decision-making in chemical safety assessment
- Application of the Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RhE) Model as an In Vitro Skin Irritation Test for Detection of Irritant Activity in Medical Device Extracts
- Applications of iPS-Cell Derived Tissues in Safety Assessment
- Applied In Vitro Toxicology Course
- Aseptic Technique in Surgery
- Assessor training (Introduction to assessment of competence)
- Bachelor of Science (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare
- Bachelor of Science - Laboratory Animal Science
- Basic (8 Eds) and Advanced (4 Eds) Training Courses:"Cell Cultures: the alternative Methods", and "Give a meaning to alternative methods to animal testing",
- Basic in vitro Laboratory Practice
- Beltox advanced toxicology course: Embryo-fetal development toxicity testing - the zebrafish model
- Best Practices in Cell Culture Workshop
- Best of Both Worlds hTERT-immortalized Primary Cells
- Best practice for euthanasia of rodents and other (small) laboratory animals
- Bioethics
- Biology Education Advancement Program BioLEAP
- Bleeding Simulation in Embalmed Cadavers: Bridging the Gap between Simulation and Live Surgery
- Building AOPs for Neurotoxicity: Perspective from an Academic
- CCAC National Workshops
- CCAC Webinars
- CEd-Tox: SOT Continuing Education Courses Online
- CF LAS Course for Function A (EU recommendations)
- Care and management of laboratory animals including animal quality control programmes
- Care and use of laboratory animals: mice, rats, zebrafish - FELASA function A/B/C/D
- Cat Explorer
- Cell Culture Basic Course
- Cell Culture Course - Beyond microscope, culturing life
- Cell Culture Theory and Practice
- Cell Culture Trouble Shooting Course
- Cell Health and Viability
- Cell Line Authentication Training
- Cell-based metabolomics for assessing chemical exposure and toxicity of environmental surface waters
- Central Laboratory of Experimental Animals Course
- Cephalopod Biology and Care Course - FELASA function A/C/D
- Certificate Course in Laboratory Animal Science
- Certificate Course in Laboratory Animal Science - FELASA Cat. C
- Certificate in Laboratory Animal Medicine - United States
- Certification EPISKIN Academy
- Champalimaud Course on Rodent Anaesthesia and Surgery
- Chemical Mixtures and Epidemiologic Fundamentals for Risk Assessment Applications
- Chemical and Biological resources for Toxicology and Toxicogenomics
- Ciência em Animais de Laboratório
- Combining practical training with virtual training in the continuous development of lab animal vets
- Common Day 1 and Specific Day 2 course
- Computational Approaches to Transcriptome Signatures in the Human Brain
- Concepteur de projet utilisant des animaux à des fins scientifiques
- Continuing Professional Development courses in the field of Animal Research
- Conversions & Calculations
- Course for participating, performing, planning procedures for laboratory animals
- Course in Basics of Laboratory Animal Science - FELASA function A/B/C/D
- Course in Laboratory Animal Science
- Course in Laboratory Animal Science for Research Workers - Function B
- Course on laboratory animal science (LAS) - FELASA function B
- Course on laboratory animal science - FELASA Cat. B
- Courses and training activities at Fondazione Guido Bernardini
- Courses for the achivement of European Function in animal research
- Culture of Care and 3Rs Symposium UK 10th
- Culture of human highly relevant cells according to Good Cell Culture Practice (GCCP) in Toxicology
- Curso de Formación en Bienestar Animal para Trabajos de Experimentación Científica en Fauna Silvestre
- Design and supervise procedures and projects using animals - FELASA Function B
- Designing enrichment and husbandry to enhance translation
- Digital Frog
- Discovering ATCC Primary Immune Cells Model Systems to Study the Immune and Cardiovascular Systems
- Disease modeling and cancer therapy in stem cell-derived 3D organoid systems
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- Drug Development Course 2018
- ECLAM Training Programme at the Central Animal Facility (CAF) of Hannover Medical School
- EU function AD & ABD course
- EUSAAT Annual congress
- EXCITE Summer School Biomedical Imaging
- Ecotoxicology ERT Course
- Education and Training Resources in In-Vivo Sciences
- Education and training of persons carrying out animal experiments - FELASA function A/C/D & Cat. B
- Education for persons planning and performing experiments and killing experimental animals
- Enhancing Humane Science - Improving Animal Research
- Ethics and National Legislation training for UK ASPA
- Evidence-based Toxicology
- Expandable Mind Software
- Experimental Design and Workflow for MS-Based Metabolomics and Lipidomics Research
- Experimental Ecotoxicology
- Experimental microsurgery
- Facilities, Supplies, & Materials
- Factors to Consider When Choosing Cell-Based Assays for Use with 3D Cultures
- Fast-track Cell Culture Training
- Films and slide shows of laboratory animals
- From Animals to Alternatives
- From Cells to QSAR: Alternative predictive models in toxicology
- From Reach compliance to innovation – making use of data and tools
- From in vivo models to cell models
- Fully Automated 3D Cell Culture for Human Cells
- Functionally Characterized Human PBMCs An Improved In Vitro Model of Human Immune Response
- General care of laboratory animals and management of laboratory animal facility
- Ghent University Laboratory Animal Science I
- Guide to 3Rs and Responsible animal research
- HEL-6320 HEL-8014 Courses in Experimental Animal Science for Researchers – Laboratory and field research
- Hands-On Seminar: Creating an Adverse Outcome Pathway in the AOP Wiki
- Hands-on Basic Cell Culture
- Harmonisation of the Care and Use of Wild and Domestic Mammals and Birds in Field Research
- High-Throughput Screening and Environmental Risk Assessment: State of the Science and Emerging Applications
- Home Office E1 & L + PIL A & B Training Course
- Home Office E1 & L Training Course
- Home Office Modular PIL training: rodents and rabbits
- Home Office PIL C Training Course PIL C
- Home Office PPL Training Course
- Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL) - Fish
- Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL) - Rodent and Multi Species
- Human Renal Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells (RPTEC/TERT1) Modified to Express Drug Transporters A New Model for Toxicity Studies
- Human Tissue Act (Research Sector) Training
- Human Toxicology ERT Course
- Human iPSC-derived Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons for Parkinson’s Disease Modeling and Cell Therapy
- Humane Killing Training for Researchers - Schedule 1 training
- Humane endpoints in laboratory animal experimentation
- IAT Level 2 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Husbandry
- IAT Level 2 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science and Technology
- IAT Level 3 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science & Technology
- IAT courses
- Imaging Mouse Development
- Improving Your Cell-Based Research with Real-Time Assays
- In Vitro Cell-Free Neurochemical Screening Assays to Predict Adverse Outcomes in Fish, Birds, and Mammals
- In Vitro Lung Models
- In Vitro Testing for Endocrine Disruption
- In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation (IVIVE) to Support Accurate Prediction of Hepatic Drug Disposition
- In vitro research method for screening inhibitors of protein translation
- InSphero 3D Summer School Webinars
- Information session or guest class
- Integrating Target-based and Phenotypic Screening Strategies with Human Cardiomyocytes
- Intensive 2-day Workshops
- Internal seminars at the University of Latvia providing updated information of 3Rs
- International Workshop on Homemade Educational and Training Materials
- International Zebrafish and Medaka Course
- Interniche provided trainings
- Introduction in laboratory animal science - FELASA function A/D
- Introduction to Adverse Outcome Pathways and the AOP Wiki tutorial
- Introduction to Animal Behaviour
- Introduction to Effectopedia
- Introduction to Good Laboratory Practice
- Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science
- Introduction to Laboratory Animal Science - FELASA Cat. B
- Introduction to Necropsy (Rodents)
- Introduction to Technical Procedures
- Introduction to aseptic techniques
- Introduction to laboratory animals
- Introductory Course in Laboratory Animal Science
- Intubation for Anaesthesia
- Invitrotrain Project
- JSAAE activities in alternatives to animal experimentation for undergraduate schools: forum for citizens in primary and secondary schools.
- LAS CAMPUS Courses
- LAS Course - FELASA Cat. C
- LAS Course Santa Lucia Foundation - FELASA function A/C/D
- LAS Courses - Function A/C/D
- LAS Education and Training
- LAS Education and Training - Astra Zeneca
- LAS Education and Training - Karlstad University
- LAS Education and Training - Lund University
- LAS Education and Training - Stockholm University
- LAS Education and Training - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
- LAS Education and Training - Umea University
- LAS course with species-specific rodents and rabbits
- LAS course: basic course without species-specific course
- LAT 03: Ethics in Animal Research
- LAT Training
- LATG Training
- LTK Module 1 - FELASA function A/C/D
- LTK Module 11 - How to Prepare the Score Sheet for my Experiment?
- LTK Module 12 - Ecotox courses
- LTK Module 13 -Trial design and power calculation
- LTK Module 14 - Current topics of Laboratory Animal Science
- LTK Module 16 - Advanced Course in Experimental Microsurgery
- LTK Module 18 - PostDoc gone - Data gone? Quality assurance in animal experimental research
- LTK Module 19 - Continuing education for animal caretaker of UZH and ETHZ
- LTK Module 20 - Introductory Course in Laboratory Animal Science: "Non rodent" species
- LTK Module 21 - Pain recognition in laboratory rodents – do you see what you could (should) see?
- LTK Module 4 - Anesthesia and Analgesia
- LTK Module 8 - Surgery
- LTK Module EGA (Ethics – Legislation – 3R and alternatives methods)
- Lab Animal Courses
- Lab Animal Science
- LabVet Europe - FELASA Cat. D
- Laboratory Animal Science
- Laboratory Animal Science (B-KUL-E05E6A)
- Laboratory Animal Science - EU Function ABD
- Laboratory Animal Science - Graduate School of Health - Function A/D
- Laboratory Animal Science Course
- Laboratory Animal Science Course - FELASA Cat. B
- Laboratory Animal Science Course - FELASA Cat. C
- Laboratory Animal Science Course on Primates - FELASA function A/B
- Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers
- Laboratory Animal Science – Basic Course Main Focus: Mice/Rats
- Laboratory Animal Science, EU function ABD
- Laboratory Animal Sciences for scientists - FELASA Cat. C
- Laboratory Animals Sciences - Aquatic Organisms (CAL-AQUA) - FELASA Cat. B
- Laboratory animal care and management including animal handling and restraint and common procedures of sampling and dosing
- Laboratory animal care, breeding and management including animal handling and restraint, common procedures of sampling & dosing
- Legal Compliance and Responsibilities Workshop
- Legislation & Ethics Training
- Legislation Update
- Leveraging Automated Data Collection Technologies to Enhance Study Reproducibility and Animal Welfare in Preclinical In Vivo Research
- Machine Learning in Toxicology: Fundamentals of Application and Interpretation, Regulatory Application, Acceptance, and Implementation
- Manual Restraint and Common Compound Administration Routes in Mice and Rats
- Marmoset research and welfare
- Master course - Laboratory Animals Course
- Master of Advanced Studies: Toxicology
- Master of Laboratory Animal Science
- Master of Laboratory Animal Science Online Program
- Master of Pharmacology UG degree programme
- Master of Science in Toxicology
- Master of Science in Toxicology and Regulatory Affairs
- Master programme in toxicology and ecotoxicology
- Master's Degree in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Mechanisms of action (MechoAs): In what way is your substance toxic?
- Microinjection into adherent cells - theory and practical exercises
- Microphysiometry
- Model Stem Cell Curriculum
- Modular Training: Anaesthesia and Surgery
- Module 'Animals and Alternatives Within Research and Education' within BA Animal Welfare and Society
- Molecular Biology Basic Course
- Molecular Physiology of the Brain
- Molecules, Mice and Math: a Statistical Toolbox for the Lab
- Mouse Handling Tutorial
- Mouse embryos: primary phenotyping
- Mouse handling made easy: reducing anxiety in mice and their handlers
- NC3Rs Summer School
- NIH Summer Internship Program
- Named Animal Care and Welfare Officer Workshop
- NanoBRET: A Quantitative Technique to Measure Kinase Target Engagement in Live Cells
- National 3R training event
- National Science and engineering week
- National Workshop/CME on Alternatives to Animal Experimentation in Medical Science Education
- Neural Progenitor Cells
- New alternative to animal models for surgical training
- New isogenic cell models created by CRISPR genome editing for drug discovery
- Noise and Vibration in the Animal Vivarium and Research Labs as Threats to the 3Rs Goals of Refinement and Reduction
- Northern Ireland Licensee Training Group - Project Licence Training (PPL)
- One day workshop on systematic reviews of animal studies
- Organ-specific in vitro modelling: state-of-the-art
- Organoid Technology - from Adult Stem Cells to Miniature Organs
- Orsi Academy Surgery training
- Orthopedic manual therapy
- Overview of 3D Cell Culture Model Systems and Factors to Consider When Choosing and Validating Cell-Based Assays for Use With 3D Cultures
- Overview of the OECD in vitro/in vivo Tests to screen Endocrine Active Substances (EAS) for the Environment
- PBPK modelling for quantitative in vitro-in vivo extrapolation
- PIL and PPL Courses
- Pain - Lecture
- Pain, Distress and Humane Endpoints
- Performance of the zebrafish embryo test for acute toxicity
- Personal Licence Surgery Training (PIL C)
- Personal Licence Training (PIL)
- Personal licence training
- Phenotypic Characterization and Quality Control of Cells from Bacteria to Human Cells
- Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling AP 873
- Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling Workshop for Beginners
- Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling to Support Modernized Chemical Safety Assessment
- Postgraduate certificate and Diploma courses in laboratory animal science
- Powerful Tools for In vitro Fluorescent Imaging in Cancer Research
- Pre-clinical publication issues
- Predictive Models for Acute Oral Systemic Toxicity
- Principles of PBPK modeling and the application of this technique for in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE)
- Principles of Training, Mentoring & Assessing
- Principles of ethics in relation to animal use
- Procedures with care
- Project Licence Review for Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body
- Project training in laboratory animal care, breeding, management, quality control
- Quality Management in Cell Culture Labs
- RAnTech Preparation Workshop
- REACHing for Alternatives to Animal Testing
- RSPCA UK training events
- Rabbit Breeding: Standards and Practices
- ReThink3R- Design Thinking Workshops for Young Scientists
- Read-across in REACH and its assessment
- Recognition of Pain, Suffering and Distress
- Reducing the reliance on animal experiments in basic and applied research
- Refining Toxicity Testing through Advances in Human iPSC Technology
- Regulation Toxicology
- Regulatory trainings to use animals on a scientific purpose
- Replacing regulatory experiments on animals: an introduction to in silico models and in vitro test methods
- Report of the workshop on incorporating animal alternatives in training programmes: specific activities in various countries
- Research animals curriculum: educators workshop
- Responsible Animal Research
- Risk Assessment Information System - Using The RAIS to Accomplish Your Goals
- Rodent Handling and Restraint Techniques
- Rodent restraint, blood collection, compound administration and euthanasia procedures
- SPCAL online course FELASA Cat. B
- SPCAL online course FELASA Function A/C/D
- STR Profiling for Human Cell Line Authentication
- Safety Assessment of Cosmetics in the EU
- Scientific & Technical Aware programmes for in-house research scholars
- Simulation Neuroscience
- Simulator for training in surgical stitches
- Skin Sensitization
- Society of Toxicology Webinars
- Sophisticated Approaches to In Vitro Research
- Species-Specific Courses
- Spheroid assay webinar
- Spring School I - Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Spring School II - Refinement in Animal Experimentation
- Spring School III - Animal Experiments: Ethics and Law
- Spring School IV - Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Stable Isotope Tracing for Folate-mediated One-Carbon Trafficking in Colon Cancer Cells and a 3-D Cell Model of embryogenesis
- Stem Cell Therapies: Opportunities for Assuring the Quality and Safety of Unregulated Clinical Offerings
- Stem Cell-Based in Vitro Models: State-of-the-Art Tools to Predict Drug-Induced Tissue Injury in Humans
- Stemgent videos, Alvetex videos & webinars
- Student In Vitro Lecture Luncheon at the Annual Society of Toxicology meeting
- Summer school: practical and theoretical course on Sens-it-iv in vitro methods
- Support Staff Workshop
- Swedish ECLAM training programme
- Swedish legislation, ethics and 3R
- Swiss ECLAM Training Programme
- Syndaver Surgical Canine
- Systematic Reviews and Harm-Benefit Assessment
- Szkolenie dla osób odpowiedzialnych za planowanie i wykonywanie procedur i doświadczeń oraz uśmiercających zwierzęta
- TKI-mediated Cardiotoxicity: iCell Cardiomyocytes as a Tool to Decipher Kinase Inhibitor Linked Toxicities
- Technical Training in Non-Animal Safety Methods
- Techniques for In Vitro Assays for Cosmetics Testing
- Tertiary Education Toolbox
- The Dissection Lab
- The Human Toxome Project – a Test Case for Pathway Identification by Multi-omics Integration
- The Science Bank - Innovative Teaching Tools
- The Veterinary Pathologist’s Role in the 3Rs
- The course for person carrying out procedures - FELASA function A/D
- The course for person designing procedures and projects - Function B
- The implementation of the 3Rs in the experimental design
- The microsurgical training programme in Gothenburg, Sweden: early experiences
- Tierexperimentelles Arbeiten, Laboratory Animal Science - Function A/B
- Topical Scientific Workshop - New Approach Methodologies in Regulatory Science
- ToxTutor (Learn Essential Principles of Toxicology)
- Toxicology
- Toxicology 21: Scientific Applications
- Toxicology 21: Scientific Applications
- Train the Trainer: Good Science and Animal Welfare in Experimental Design
- Training Video: Handling iCell Cardiomyocytes
- Training Videos for Non-Animal Tests
- Training course for researchers involved in experiments utilizing laboratory animals
- Training for Project Designers
- Training for those designing procedures & projects/ Project Licence holder training
- Training in Laboratory Animal Science and Work in Laboratory Animal Facilities
- Training in terms of conducting experiments and handling laboratory animals
- Training of upper respiratory endoscopy in the horse using preserved head and neck.
- Training on Experimental Animal use Regulations and Procedures (TEARAP) Course
- Training on advanced cell culture and data management systems
- Training on alternative methods
- Training seminar on the OECD QSAR Toolbox
- Training seminar on the OECD QSAR Toolbox
- Training the Assessor to assess staff competence (Accredited)
- Translational Medicine
- Translational training tools
- Turning to a new dimension in cell culture for cancer research
- U.S. Mandates & Guidelines
- UPAL : Use and Care of Lab Animals (Utilisation et Protection de l'Animal de Laboratoire) - FELASA function A/B/C/D
- Understanding Animal Research at the Big bang fair
- University Of Manchester Home Office course
- Update in In Vitro Liver System: Cells to Organoid - Application in Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) and Toxicology
- Use of alternative methods to animal testing in your REACH registration
- Use of stem-cell derived endothelial cells for disease relevant cell modeling and drug discovery
- Use of weight of evidence with non-testing methods for cosmetics ingredients
- Uses of Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS) in research
- Using Exposomics to Improve Honey Bee Health: A New Approach for Solving a Complex Multifactorial Problem
- Using Organ-on-a-Chip Technology to Reduce Animal Testing
- Using in silico toxicity models for industrial research and regulatory evaluation
- VTK Online
- Vactrain, Training Course 2 on Veterinary Bacterial Vaccines
- Veterinary Medicine Doctor
- Visual Anatomy – Canine
- Zebrafish: implementation of 3Rs in behavioral and toxicological studies; Theory and practice of 3R: zebrafish
- eModule : Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia for Minor Procedures
- eModule : Recognition and Prevention of Pain, Suffering and Distress in Laboratory Animals
- 3Rs- Reduction.co.uk
- Advanced School In Benefits and Risks In Life Sciences
- Advanced course in Laboratory Animal Science - Experimental surgical techniques in rodents
- Advanced course in Laboratory Animal Science – Focus on the Porcine Model
- Adverse Outcome Pathways in environmental toxicology: practical applications, methods and challenges
- Algorithmic Information Dynamics: A Computational Approach to Causality and Living Systems From Networks to Cells
- Alternative methods for assessing the safety of cosmetic ingredients and finished products
- Animal Research: Critical, Challenging & Creative Thinking
- Animal Systematic Reviews
- Animals in Research. Law, Policy, and Humane Science
- Applied In Vitro Toxicology Course
- Applying the 3Rs in oncology research
- BIO-3503 Aquatic Animal Welfare
- BIO-8014 Aquatic Animal Welfare
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) Animal Welfare & Society
- Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Science - Concentration in Laboratory Animal Science
- Beginner's Guide to Toxicology
- Caring for Animals in Research and Education (CARE) course
- Cellular Toxicology and Predictive Toxicology
- Certificate Course on Laboratory Animal Science
- City and Guilds Award in Education and Training (formerly PTLLS)
- Course in Laboratory Animal Science, Human Biology - FELASA function A/B/D
- Course in Laboratory Animal Science, Immunology and Inflammation - FELASA function A/B/D
- Course in laboratory animal science Handling and Housing- FELASA function A/B/D
- DR443F Principles in Animal Experimentation
- Degree in veterinary medicine (DVM)
- Development and Validation of a Low-fidelity Simulator to Suture a Laparotomy in Rabbits
- Drug Safety of Stem Cells and other Novel Therapeutics
- Ecological risk assessment 4600
- Everyday 3Rs for ATs
- FRAME Training School in Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis of Biomedical Experiments.
- Froggipedia
- Good Chemistry - Methodological, Ethical, and Social Implications
- Health Sciences Master
- IACUC 101, 201 AND 301
- Immunotoxicology
- In silico ADME and Predictive Toxicology
- Incorporating population variability into mechanistic prediction of PK and modeling PK/PD
- International Animal Welfare, Ethics & Law (Online Learning)
- Introduction to Molecular Toxicology
- JRC Summer School on Alternative Approaches for Risk assessment
- LAS 301, 302, 303
- LTK Module 17 - Systematic Review
- LTK Module 2 - Education for persons responsible for directing animal experiments (study directors)
- Lab animal science course for vet students, lab animal science course for vet nurse students, FELASA B course and FELASA C course.
- Laboratory Animal Medicine and Welfare Residency
- Laboratory Animal Science - FELASA function A/B/D - THEORY ONLY
- Laboratory Animal Science Course
- Laboratory Animal Science EU Function ABD
- Laboratory Animal Science Function ABD
- Laboratory Animal Science II
- Laboratory Animal Science: Design and Ethics in Animal Experimentation
- MDV6003 - Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers
- MF9490 - Course in Laboratory Animal Handling
- MF9493 - CAREIN - Course In Animal Research In Norway
- Master Study Program in Drug Sciences
- Master course in Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare
- Master of Laboratory Animal Science Program
- Master of Research in Molecular Mechanistic Toxicology
- Master of Research in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (MRes)
- Master of Research in Toxicology (MRes)
- Master of Science Model-based Drug Development
- Master of Science and PhD programme in Toxicology and Environmental Health
- Master of Science in Applied Toxicology (MSc/PGDip )
- Master of Science in Drug Toxicology and Safety Pharmacology
- Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Toxicology
- Modular species-specific training for researchers
- Molecular Toxicology
- Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis
- NEVR8014 -Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers
- Named Information Officer (NIO) workshop
- Pharmaceutical Toxicology for doctoral students
- Practical Methods in In Vitro Toxicology
- Principles of working with laboratory animals
- Rat Dissection for the iPad
- Regulatory Requirements and Guidelines
- Reproductive Toxicology
- Reproductive Toxicology
- Risk Assessment
- Safety Assessment of Xenobiotics and Biotechnological Products
- Technology and Animal Science
- The GastroPlus PHARMACEUTICAL Development Workshop
- The Laboratory Animal Science European Union - FELASA function A/B/C/D
- The Postgraduate Course Toxicology Vienna ERT
- The Practical Guide to Ecotoxicology and the Environment
- Toxicogenomics
- Toxicology ERT Course
- Training for people planning to participate in the procedures with animals
- Training for people working with experimental animals
- Understanding Animal Pain
- Veterinary medicine
- In vitro cell- and tissue models
- In vitro models, 13.-22.3.2018
- Master's programme in Toxicology
- Comprehensive Course on Working with Laboratory Animals
- Teacher Training in Comparative Medicine
- 404
- About
- Alternatives
- Animal welfarist
- Board members
- Classic AVs
- Cookies
- Databases & Guidelines
- 3R Guide database
- Classic AVs database
- EU Commission dataset on cardiovascular disease models
- EU Commission dataset on respiratory disease models
- EU Commission Inventory of 3Rs Education & Training Resources
- EU Commission Inventory of 3Rs Knowledge Sources
- NORINA database
- Overview of European 3R Centres
- TextBase database
- Education & training
- Compendia
- Courses
- Films and slide shows
- For schools
- Other teaching materials
- Requirements
- Historical
- Differences between the old and new Regulations
- Requirements for compulsory education in laboratory animal science
- Historical
- Homemade educational materials
- European Commission Inventory of NAMs for Respiratory tract diseases
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- European Society of Toxicology In Vitro
- European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
- European Test and Risk Assessment Strategies for Mixtures
- European Union Network of Laboratories for the Validation of Alternative Methods
- European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing
- European Xenopus Resource Centre
- Europe PubMed Central
- Eurosafe
- EUROTOX Courses
- EUSAAT European Congresses on Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Evercyte GmbH
- ExPASy SIB Bioinformatics Resource Portal
- Expediting the Design, Discovery, and Development of Anticancer Drugs using Computational Approaches
- Experimental Animal Science for Researchers – Laboratory and field research
- Experimental Design Assistant
- Expert Group for Laboratory Animal Science
- Expert Group on the Application of the 3Rs in Regulatory Testing of Medicinal Products
- Federation of European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology
- Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations
- FELASA courses
- Felix Wankel Animal Welfare Research Award
- Finnish Centre for Alternative Methods
- First Alternative Method Validated by a Retrospective Weight-of-Evidence Approach to Replace the Draize Eye Test for the Identification of Non-Irritant Substances for a Defined Applicability Domain
- Fish and amphibian embryos as alternative models in toxicology and teratology
- Fish Drug/Chemical Analysis Phish-Pharm database
- Flecknell Laboratory Animal Interactive Resources for Education
- Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Research team Applied Bio & molecular System
- Fondazione Guido Bernardini
- Food for Thought... Immunotoxicology: Challenges in the 21st Century and In Vitro Opportunities
- Foundation for Biomedical Research
- Foundation for the promotion of alternate and complementary methods to reduce animal experiments
- FRAME News
- FRAME Training Schools in Experimental Design
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
- French National Institute of Health and Medical Research
- French platform for the development of alternative methods in animal testing
- Fundamental Techniques in Cell Culture
- Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
- Future Science Group
- GAIKER-IK4 Foundation
- Genedata
- Gene Expression Omnibus
- German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals
- Go3R Web Google Custom Search
- Good Cell Culture Practice for stem cells and stem-cell-derived models
- Grants for Laboratory Animal Science
- Guidance Documents on animals used for scientific purposes
- Guide for the ethical evaluation of experiments using laboratory animals
- Guidelines to promote the wellbeing of animals used for scientific purposes
- Hameln rds a.s
- Harmonising the definition of refinement
- Harvard Stem Cell Institute
- Health Canada’s Environmental Health Science and Research Bureau
- Health Product Regulatory Authority 3Rs website
- Henry Spira Award
- Hepatic microfluidic bioreactor
- High throughput ADME screening: practical considerations, impact on the portfolio and enabler of in silico ADME models
- High-throughput screening approaches for investigating drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics
- High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) and Analysis Community
- Horizon 2020
- How omics technologies can contribute to the ‘3R’ principles by introducing new strategies in animal testing
- How to avoid new animal tests in your 2018 REACH registration
- How to use alternatives to animal testing to fulfil your information requirements for REACH registration
- Human-based Systems for Translational Research
- Human Cell Culture Protocols
- Humane Endpoints for Laboratory Animals Used in Regulatory Testing
- Humane endpoints in laboratory animal experimentation
- Humane Society International
- Humane Society International’s Global Campaign to End Animal Testing
- Human Genome Project Information Archive
- ‘Human-on-a-chip’ could replace animal testing
- Human Toxicology Project Consortium
- IABS Conferences on 3Rs Alternatives and Consistency Testing in Vaccine Lot Release Testing
- ICCVAM Reports
- IIVS e-News
- IIVS Hands-On Training Workshops
- IIVS's Webinars
- ILAR Journal
- ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute
- Impact of high-throughput screening in biomedical research
- Imperial College London
- Implementation and Enforcement of the 3Rs Principle in the Field of Transgenic Animals used for Scientific Purposes
- Improving Bioscience Research Reporting: The ARRIVE Guidelines for Reporting Animal Research
- Information and Resources on Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry
- In Silico Drug Discovery and Predictive Toxicology
- In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity
- In Silico Pharmacology
- In silico pharmacology: drug design and discovery’s gate to the future
- In silico systems pharmacology to assess drug's therapeutic and toxic effects
- In silico toxicology: computational methods for the prediction of chemical toxicity
- In silico toxicology GmbH
- InSphero
- InSphero Webinars
- Institute for In Vitro Sciences
- Institute for Laboratory Animal Research
- Institute for molecular and cell biology
- Institute for molecular and cell biology Workshops
- Institute of Animal Technology
- Institute of Laboratory Animal Sciences
- Institute of neurobiology and molecular medicine
- Institute Of Primate Research
- Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques
- Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment Strategy: Use of New Computational and Molecular Tools
- Integrated approach to testing and assessment for predicting rodent genotoxic carcinogenicity
- Integrated In Silico Models for the Prediction of Human Repeated Dose Toxicity of COSMetics to Optimise Safety
- Integrated Risk Information System
- Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) for Safety Assessment
- Integrating bioinformatics and chemoinformatics approaches for the development of expert systems allowing the in silico prediction of toxicities
- Interagency Collaborative Animal Research Education
- International Animal Research Regulations: Impact on Neuroscience Research: Workshop Summary
- International Conference on QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences
- International Congress of Toxicology
- International Congress on In Vitro Toxicology
- International Congress on Translational Medicine
- International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods
- International Council for Laboratory Animal Science
- International Council on Animal Protection in OECD Programmes
- International Journal of Cosmetic Science
- International Life Sciences Institute
- International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium
- International Mouse Strain Resource
- International Network for Humane Education
- International regulatory needs for development of an IATA for non-genotoxic carcinogenic chemical substances
- International Society for Computational Biology
- International Society for In Vitro Methods
- International Society of Regulatory Toxicology & Pharmacology
- International Stem Cell Registry Protocols
- International Toxicity Estimates for Risk Assessment Database
- International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database
- International Zebrafish and Medaka Course
- InterNICHE Information System
- Interspecies Differences
- In Vitro Alternatives to Animal Testing
- In Vitro Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Ocular Toxicology Testing
- In Vitro and Alternative Methods - SOT Specialty Section
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal
- In Vitro Metabolism and Bioavailability Tests for Endocrine Active Substances: What is Needed Next for Regulatory Purposes?
- In Vitro Methods in Toxicology
- In Vitro's Growing Space in Safety Testing
- In Vitro Toxicology Systems
- Invitrotrain
- In vivo Systematic Review and Meta Analysis Facility
- Irish Laboratory Animal Association
- ISSTOX Chemical Toxicity Databases
- Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell ' Emilia Romagna “ Bruno Ubehtini
- Italian Association of In Vitro Toxicology
- Italian Platform on Alternative Methods
- IVSS Newsletters
- Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods
- Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments
- JAX Webinars
- JHU Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine
- Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
- Journal of Applied Toxicology
- Journal of Computational Biology
- Journal of Medical Ethics
- Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
- Journal of Visualized Experiments
- Juliana von Went Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments
- Kirkstall Ltd
- Korean Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods
- Lab Animal
- Lab Animal Asia Pacific
- Lab Animal Europe
- Labfit - Health Products Research and Development, Lda
- Laboratory Animals
- Laboratory Animal Science and Training
- Laboratory Animal Science Association
- Laboratory Animal Science Course on Primates
- Laboratory Animal Science Interactive
- Laboratory Animals in the Social Sciences and Humanities
- Laboratory Animals Limited
- Laboratory Animal Welfare
- Laboratory Animal Welfare and Training Exchange
- Laboratory for Biogerontology, Dermato - Pharmacology and Dermato - Endocrinology
- LabRoots
- LabRoots Webinars
- LabVet Europe
- Leadscope
- Lhasa Limited
- Living Cell Microarrays: An Overview of Concepts
- Long-Range Research Initiative
- Long-range Research Initiative Workshops
- L’Oréal
- L'Oreal is 3D printing human skin to test cosmetics
- Loud and clear: “Directive 2010/63/EU is an indispensable tool”
- Lush Prize
- Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
- Master's Programme in Toxicology
- MatTek Corporation
- Medical Advances Without Animals Trust
- Medscape
- Methods in Bioengineering: 3D Tissue Engineering
- Microfluidic organs-on-chips
- MKS Data Analytics Solutions
- Modelling Nanomaterial Toxicity
- Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual
- Molecular Networks - Altamira
- More Knowledge with Fewer Animals
- Mouse Genome Informatics
- Mouse Phenome Database
- MultiCASE Inc.
- Multicentre Preclinical Animal Research Team
- Myocardial Tissue Engineering: In Vitro Models
- NABR Webinars
- National Anti-Vivisection Society
- National Association for Biomedical Research
- National Cancer Institute Drug Information System
- National Center for Alternative Methods of Toxicity Assessment
- National Center for Biotechnology Information
- National Center for Scientific Research
- National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research
- National Institute for Biological Standards and Control
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
- National Reference Laboratory for Experimental Toxicology
- National Toxicology Program
- National Toxicology Program Databases
- Nature
- NC3Rs
- NC3Rs e-newsletter
- NC3Rs learning resources
- NC3Rs Prize
- NC3Rs Search engine
- NCI-60 Human Tumor Cell Lines Screen
- Netherlands Knowledge Centre on Alternatives to Animal Use
- New England Anti-Vivisection Society
- New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research
- New Techniques for Producing Transgenic Animals — a Mixed Blessing from Both the Scientific and Animal Welfare Perspectives
- New test methods can reduce the amount of animal testing
- New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society
- New Zealand National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee Three Rs Award
- New Zealand-specific 3Rs programme
- NIH's Central Resource for Grants and Funding Information
- Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Department of Toxicology and Carcinogenesis
- Non-Animal Approaches - The Way Forward
- Non-Animal Technologies Special Interest Group
- Nordic Prize for alternatives
- Norecopa's databases and search engine
- Norway's National Consensus Platform for the advancement of "the 3 Rs"
- Novartis
- Novo Nordisk
- NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods
- OASIS Laboratory of Mathematical Chemistry
- OECD Existing Chemicals Database
- OECD Guidelines for the testing of chemicals and related documents
- OECD QSAR Toolbox
- OECD QSAR Toolbox Discussion Forum
- Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare's Webinars
- Omics in mechanistic and predictive toxicology.
- OMICS International
- Omics methods in regulatory toxicology: Experts discussed possibility of application
- Omnisphero
- OncoTheis
- OpenfMRI database
- OpenTox
- Opportunities for reducing the use of non-human primates in the development of monoclonal antibodies – a workshop report
- Opportunities for the replacement of animals in the study of nausea and vomiting
- Organ On Chips
- Organovo
- Ovid
- Pathways-based approaches across the biosciences: Towards application in practice
- PBTK modelling platforms and parameter estimation tools to enable animal-free risk assessment: Recommendations from a joint EPAA – EURL ECVAM ADME workshop
- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Perspectives in Laboratory Animal Science
- PETA International Science Consortium Ltd.
- PETA’s Regulatory Testing Department
- Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase
- Philips BioCell
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Position on the Directive on the Protection of Animals used for Scientific Purposes (2010/63/EU)
- Predictability of in vitro dermal assays when evaluating fatty amine derivatives
- Predicting long-term toxic effects using computer models based on systems characterization of organotypic cultures
- Predicting skin sensitisation using a decision tree integrated testing strategy with an in silico model and in chemico/in vitro assays
- Predictive In Vitro Models
- Predictive Models and Tools for Assessing Chemicals under the Toxic Substances Control Act
- Predictive Toxicology Contract Research Organisation and Infrastructure Development
- Prevalidation of the ex-vivo model PCLS for prediction of respiratory toxicity
- PRIMACYT Cell Culture Technology GmbH
- Primate Info Net
- Primate Welfare Meeting 'Cumulative severity and lifetime experience of NHPs in research'
- Principles and approaches in ethics assessment - The use of animals in research
- Pro Anima
- Procedures with Care
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Professional Certificate in Training on Experimental Animal Use, Regulations and Procedures
- Profiling the toxicity of new drugs: a non animal-based approach integrating toxicodynamics and biokinetics
- Prolonged Pain Research in Mice: Trends in Reference to the 3Rs
- Promega
- PromoCell Academy
- Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research
- PubChem
- PubMed
- QIAGEN Bioinformatics
- QSAR Model Database and QSAR Model Reporting Formats
- REACH, animal testing, and the precautionary principle
- REACHing for alternatives to animal testing
- REACH mastery
- Recherche animale
- Recherche experimentale et Protection de l'Animal de Laboratoire
- Reducing, Refining and Replacing the Use of Animals in Toxicity Testing
- Reduction, Refinement, and Replacement Leadership Group
- Refinement Forum
- Regulatory Toxicology
- Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology
- Report from the EPAA workshop: In vitro ADME in safety testing used by EPAA industry sectors
- Report of the EPAA–ECVAM Workshop on the Validation of Integrated Testing Strategies
- ReproCELL cell culture protocols
- ReproCELL Europe Ltd
- Reproducibility in animal research: the 4th "R"
- Research and testing using animals gudance
- Research Animals Department Science Review 2014
- Research Blogging
- Research Toxicology Centre S.p.A.
- ReThink3R
- Wageningen Food Safety Research
- Roche 3Rs Award
- Romanian Center for Alternative Test Methods
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Royal Society of Biology
- RSPCA/UFAW Rodent Welfare Group
- Safety and Environmental Assurance Centre
- Safety assessment of cosmetics in the EU
- Safety Evaluation Ultimately Replacing Animal Testing
- Safety Pharmacology Society
- SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research
- Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Sciences
- Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science
- Science
- Science Direct
- Science in Risk Assessment and Policy
- Scientific Advisory Committee on Alternative Toxicological Methods Meetings
- Scientific Institute of Public Health
- Scientists and the 3Rs: attitudes to animal use in biomedical research and the effect of mandatory training in laboratory animal science
- Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
- ScitoVation
- Search for Cruelty-Free Cosmetics, Personal-Care Products, and More
- Selvita S.A.
- Seminar Classification and Reporting of Severity
- SenzaGen
- Serum Free Cell Lines database
- Servicio Experimentación Animal
- Set Foundation
- Seventh Report on the Statistics on the Number of Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes in the Member States of the European Union
- Simulations Plus Inc.
- Smart Tools for Gauging Nano Hazards
- Society for Experimental Biology
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Society of Toxicology
- Society of Toxicology webinars
- Solid organ fabrication: comparison of decellularization to 3D bioprinting
- Solvo Biotechnology Inc.
- SOT Annual Meeting and ToxExpo
- SOT Communiqué
- Spanish National Centre for Microbiology - Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Spanish Network for the Development of Alternative Methods
- Speaking of Research
- SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
- Stakeholders Acting Together On the ethical impact assessment of Research and Innovation
- State of the Art on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing from an Industrial Point of View: Ready for Regulation?
- Statistical Methods for Evaluating Safety in Medical Product Development
- StemBook
- Stem Cell-Derived Systems in Toxicology Assessment
- Stem Cells and Development
- Stem Cells for Drug Discovery
- Stem cells for relevant efficient extended and normalized toxicology
- Stem Cells in Drug Discovery
- Stop Animal Exploitation Now
- Stop Animal Testing Now
- Stop animal testing use alternatives
- Stop Animal Testing & Vivisection
- Stop Vivisection
- Students in favour of Alternative to the Animal Testing
- Supporting integrated data analysis and servicing of alternative testing methods in toxicology
- Swedish ECLAM training programme
- Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments
- Swedish Toxicology Sciences Research Center
- Swiss 3R Network
- Swiss ECLAM Training Programme
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
- Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association
- SYRCLE Training and Education
- Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory animal Experimentation
- Systematic reviews of animal experiments demonstrate poor human clinical and toxicological utility.
- Taconic Biosciences
- Talete
- Tempo Bioscience
- Test Method Evaluation Report on In Vitro Ocular Test Methods
- TETRATOX database
- The 3Rs and Animal Welfare – Conflict or the Way Forward?
- The 3Rs Principle – Mind the Ethical Gap!
- The American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
- The Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching
- The Carcinogenic Potency Database
- The Chemicals Policy and Science Initiative
- The Cosmetics Europe strategy for animal-free genotoxicity testing: Project status up-date
- The COST Manual of Laboratory Animal Care and Use: Refinement, Reduction, and Research
- The Design of Animal Experiments
- The ECVAM search guide - Good search practice on animal alternatives
- The European Chemical Industry Council
- The European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians - The European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians
- The Global 3Rs Awards Program
- The Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances
- The Humane Society of the United State
- The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association
- The Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods
- The International Foundation for Ethical Research
- The International Workshop on Alternative Methods to Reduce, Refine, and Replace the Use of Animals in Vaccine Potency and Safety Testing: introduction and summary
- The Jackson Laboratory
- The Lord Dowding Fund
- The multifactorial role of the 3Rs in shifting the harm-benefit analysis in animal models of disease
- The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development
- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique
- The Risk Assessment Information System
- The Russell and Burch Award
- The safety, efficacy and regulatory triangle in drug development: Impact for animal models and the use of animals
- The Three Rs and Biomedical Research
- The Transatlantic Think-Tank for Toxicology: t4
- The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals
- The Universal Protein Resource
- The use of non-animal alternatives in the safety evaluations of cosmetics ingredients by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
- The Validation and Acceptance of Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Tissue Chip for Drug Screening
- Tissue Engineering
- Tissue For Research
- Tissue Regeneration Could Change The Way We Test Drugs
- TissUse GmbH
- Towards the Replacement of in vivo Repeated Dose Systemic Toxicity Testing
- ToxBank Data Warehouse
- ToxBank Wiki
- ToxFX
- Toxicity ForeCaster Data
- Toxicity Forecasting
- Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy
- Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program
- Toxicology Data Network
- Toxicology Education Foundation
- Toxicology in Vitro
- Toxicology Letters
- ToxPlanet
- ToxRead
- Toxys
- Tracking System for Alternative test methods Review, Validation and Approval in the Context of EU Regulations on Chemicals
- Transgenic Mouse Models Transferred into the Test Tube: New Perspectives for Developmental Toxicity Testing In Vitro?
- Trends in animal use at US research facilities
- UAB Master in Laboratory Animal Science & Welfare
- Understanding Animal Research
- Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
- upcyte technologies GmbH
- Ursula M. Händel Prize
- Use of In Silico Evaluation of Chemical Genotoxicity
- Use of Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) To Facilitate Regulatory Use of Non-Standard Testing Methods
- USGS CERC Acute Toxicity Database
- Using computational models to predict fish acute toxicity of pesticide metabolites
- U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention Workshops
- Utrecht Summer School - Laboratory Animal Science
- Utrecht Summer School - Toxicology and Environmental Health
- Veterinary Bioscience Institute
- Veterinary Bioscience Institute's trainings
- Virtual models for property Evaluation of chemicals within a Global Architecture
- Virtual Physiological Human Institute for Integrative Biomedical Research
- VitroScreen
- Waiving in vivo studies for monoclonal antibody biosimilar development: National and global challenges
- Welch Medical Library
- WikiPathways
- Wikipedia
- Workshop on Cryopreservation and Recovery Techniques in the Laboratory Mouse
- Workshop on the Application of ‘Omics in Toxicology and Ecotoxicology: Case Studies and Risk Assessment
- World Organization for Animal Welfare
- Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering
- XCellR8 Training
- Xenbase
- Yale University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- Zebrafish International Resource Center
- Zebrafish Model Organism Database
- ZeClinics
- GoPubMed
- Legislation
- Meetings
- Nordic webinars
- Research Animals and Ethics, 26 May 2021
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- Comparison with ARRIVE
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- 1-Literature searches
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- 8-Health risks, waste disposal and decontamination
- 9-Test substances and procedures
- 10-Experimental animals
- 11-Quarantine and health monitoring
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- 13-Experimental procedures
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Norecopa Wiki
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- Blood sampling of pigs
- Blood sampling of rainbow trout
- Breeding strategies for mice
- Clicker training
- Contingency plans
- Decapitation
- Dehydration
- Detecting early onset of clinical signs in the mouse model of Covid-19
- Detection of pain and distress in mice
- EMLA cream
- Embryo transfer
- Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyeltis (EAE)
- Facial expression analysis
- Food crunchers
- Forced swim test
- General discusson on use of analgesics
- Genotyping mice
- Geriatric mice
- Habituation training
- Health monitoring
- High-fat diets
- Hot Bead Sterilisers
- Housing nude mice
- Housing research fish
- Humane endpoints
- Hydrodynamic gene delivery
- Intra-ocular injections
- Intranasal administration
- Intraperitoneal injection
- Intraperitoneal pentobarbitone
- Irradiation for haematology studies
- Ketamine and alpha-2 agonist combinations
- Lockbox enrichment
- Long-term anaesthesia in rodents
- Lumpfish
- MDA (micropipette-guided drug administration) Method
- Main Page
- Marble Burying Test
- Metabolic cages
- Microchipping rats and mice
- Minipumps
- Montanide adjuvant
- Mouse Grimace Scale
- Mouse handling
- Nest building material
- Non-invasive genetic sampling in wildlife research
- Oestrus suppression in ferrets
- Pneumocystis murina
- Recapping needles
- Refinement of oral gavage
- Rotarod Test
- Screening cell lines
- Sedation of cattle
- Splenectomy
- Sterilisation of instruments
- TTEAM and TTouch
- Tail vein injection
- Tamoxifen
- Tamoxifen information sheet V4.pdf
- The use of DMSO
- Tramadol
- Transport stress
- Tumour cell implant into mammary fat pad
- Ulcerative Dermatitis in Mice
- Water quality
- Xenopus laevis
- Zebrafish swabbing
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